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【骨髄バンクにご理解・ご協力を】 骨髄移植推進財団(骨髄バンク) にいがた・骨髄バンクを育てる会
健康な人の善意に頼るほかない骨髄バンクの活動。 善意の輪が広がっていくことを願っている。
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【骨髄バンクにご理解・ご協力を】 骨髄移植推進財団(骨髄バンク) にいがた・骨髄バンクを育てる会
健康な人の善意に頼るほかない骨髄バンクの活動。 善意の輪が広がっていくことを願っている。
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【骨髄バンクにご理解・ご協力を】 骨髄移植推進財団(骨髄バンク) にいがた・骨髄バンクを育てる会
健康な人の善意に頼るほかない骨髄バンクの活動。 善意の輪が広がっていくことを願っている。
きゅっ。の日記(フルブラウザ) きゅっ。の日記(モバイル)

【骨髄バンクにご理解・ご協力を】 骨髄移植推進財団(骨髄バンク) にいがた・骨髄バンクを育てる会
健康な人の善意に頼るほかない骨髄バンクの活動。 善意の輪が広がっていくことを願っている。
きゅっ。の日記(フルブラウザ) きゅっ。の日記(モバイル)

2007年12月25日(火) |
Happy Christmas (War Is Over!)
(Happy Christmas, Kyoko Happy Christmas, Julian)
So this is Christmas And what have you done Another year over A new one just begun And so this is Christmas I hope you have fun The near and the dear ones The old and the young
A merry merry Christmas And a happy New Year Let's hope it's a good one Without any fear
And so happy Christmas (War is Over, if you want it) For weak and for strong The rich and the poor ones The road is so long So happy Christmas For black and for white For yellow and red ones Let's stop all the fight
A merry merry Christmas And a happy New Year Let's hope it's a good one Without any fear
And so this is Christmas (War is over, if you want it) And what have we done Another year over And a new one just begun And so this is Christmas We hope you have fun The near and the dear ones The old and the young
A merry merry Christmas And a happy New Year Let's hope it's a good one Without any fear War is over, if you want it War is over now
Merry Christmas!
- John & Yoko
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健康な人の善意に頼るほかない骨髄バンクの活動。 善意の輪が広がっていくことを願っている。
きゅっ。の日記(フルブラウザ) きゅっ。の日記(モバイル)

【骨髄バンクにご理解・ご協力を】 骨髄移植推進財団(骨髄バンク) にいがた・骨髄バンクを育てる会
健康な人の善意に頼るほかない骨髄バンクの活動。 善意の輪が広がっていくことを願っている。
きゅっ。の日記(フルブラウザ) きゅっ。の日記(モバイル)

【骨髄バンクにご理解・ご協力を】 骨髄移植推進財団(骨髄バンク) にいがた・骨髄バンクを育てる会
健康な人の善意に頼るほかない骨髄バンクの活動。 善意の輪が広がっていくことを願っている。
きゅっ。の日記(フルブラウザ) きゅっ。の日記(モバイル)

【骨髄バンクにご理解・ご協力を】 骨髄移植推進財団(骨髄バンク) にいがた・骨髄バンクを育てる会
健康な人の善意に頼るほかない骨髄バンクの活動。 善意の輪が広がっていくことを願っている。
きゅっ。の日記(フルブラウザ) きゅっ。の日記(モバイル)

【骨髄バンクにご理解・ご協力を】 骨髄移植推進財団(骨髄バンク) にいがた・骨髄バンクを育てる会
健康な人の善意に頼るほかない骨髄バンクの活動。 善意の輪が広がっていくことを願っている。
きゅっ。の日記(フルブラウザ) きゅっ。の日記(モバイル)

2007年12月18日(火) |
Alta Badia: Grange gets first win, Ligety third
Alta Badia: Grange gets first win, Ligety third Jean-Bapitiste Grange brought France its first World Cup win of the season Monday, Dec. 17 on the steep Gran Risa slope of Alta Badia, Italy winning the second slalom held at the GS classic site. Putting up a strong first run and a stronger second, Grange powered to a three-quarters of a second margin over German Felix Neureuther to collect his first career win. American Ted Ligety, just 12th after the first run, moved up to the podium with a dazzling second run over a course that eliminated seven competitors and caused grief for many more. Swede Andre Myhrer, second after the first run, dropped to 22nd with a mistake chocked second run and Italian Manfred Moelgg backed from sixth to 20th in the second run. Jimmy Cochran posted eighth. Benjamin Raich and Bode Miller both failed to finish the first course along with 13 other skiers. - SkiRacing.com
昨日の日記に追記したアルタ・バディアのスラロームの詳報。 1 Jean-Bapitiste Grange 2 Felix Neureuther 3 Ted Ligety Ted Ligetyは、一本目12位からゴボウ抜き。一本目2位のAndre Myhrerと一本目6位のManfred Moelggは、二本目失敗して、それぞれ22位と20位に落ちた。Benjamin RaichとBode Millerは一本目で失敗。
なお、佐々木明は、帰国後、公開練習をするらしい。 『日本の山で練習するよ。12月25・26・27日ASAMA2000スキー場で湯浅・生田・俺3人の合同TRを。』 - sasakiakira.net
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健康な人の善意に頼るほかない骨髄バンクの活動。 善意の輪が広がっていくことを願っている。
きゅっ。の日記(フルブラウザ) きゅっ。の日記(モバイル)

2007年12月17日(月) |
Alta Badia: Palander wins, Ligety penalized
Alta Badia: Palander wins, Ligety penalized Finn Kalle Palander won the giant slalom at Alta Badia, Italy Sunday Dec. 16, with a decisive first run and a solid second. He topped Benjamin Raich for his 14th career victory, and third at Alta Badia. It was just his fourth win in GS, and three of those have come on this race hill. Swiss Marc Berthod was third, Canadian John Kucera was fourth and American Ted Ligety fifth. Jimmy Cochran moved up from the 58th start to claim 10th. Ligety was forced to start late in the pack as well, at 46th, after showing up late for the bib draw Saturday night. ''I think it's a really, really stupid rule,'' Ligety said. ''I feel like if it was one of the other guys, like Benni Raich or something, someone would have been there to protest.'' - SkiRacing.com
Ted Ligetyがドローに遅れてペナルティを受け、46番スタートになっちまった。 …馬鹿げた掟じゃ!遅れたのが俺じゃなくて、Benni Raichだったら、どーすんだよー! と叫んでいるが、遅れなきゃいいのに(笑) 北米勢は、ヨーロッパでは所詮よそ者扱い。Ligetyといえども、それはしょうがない。 Raichだったら、どうなったか? そりゃ、Raich自身がルールざんす。Raichが来るまではドローが始まらないという掟が今シーズンからあるから、ネ(嘘)。 でも、 Ligetyは5位入賞とがむばりますた。
Grange leads after first run Frenchman Jean-Baptiste Grange leads the Alta Badia slalom after one run as Benjamin Raich and Bode Miller ski out. - Eurosport.yahoo.com
Grange wins Alta Badia slalom Jean-Baptiste Grange claims victory in the Alta Badia slalom in front of Felix Neureuther and Ted Ligety. - Eurosport.yahoo.com
グランジェがW杯初優勝=アルペンスキーW杯・男子回転第3戦 アルペンスキーのワールドカップ(W杯)は17日、イタリアのアルタバディアで男子回転第3戦が行われ、ジャンバプティスト・グランジェ(フランス)が合計タイム1分36秒12で初優勝を飾った。佐々木明(ティーシーエス)は1分38秒73で10位、皆川賢太郎(アルビレックス新潟)は2回目で途中棄権した。 湯浅直樹(スポーツアルペンク)は2回目に進めず、生田康宏(東京美装)は1回目で途中棄権した。 - jiji.com
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健康な人の善意に頼るほかない骨髄バンクの活動。 善意の輪が広がっていくことを願っている。
きゅっ。の日記(フルブラウザ) きゅっ。の日記(モバイル)

2007年12月16日(日) |
Val Gardena: Walchhofer wins, Scottie Mac third
Michael Walchhofer excised his demons at Val Gardena by collecting his first win on the one downhill track that has eluded him. Walchhofer got his ninth World Cup DH win Saturday, Dec. 15, on Val Gardena's Saslong and can now add that to a list of conquered race courses that includes Kitzbuehel, Wengen, Val d'Isere, Garmisch, Bormio and, as of Nov. 30, Beaver Creek. Swiss veteran Didier Cuche made it two podiums in two days adding second in the downhill to the super G win from Friday while American Scott Macartney posted his second career podium in third. Macartney was the third different U.S. male to collect a downhill podium in three races this season, speaking well for the U.S. depth. It was a real, good, solid run, said Macartney, adding that it was Pretty much fast, and everything that Val Gardena has to offer. I've got to go to the podium now, Ciao. If it hadn't been Macartney on the podium, there was a pretty good chance it might have been a North American anyway. Canadian Erik Guay posted fourth and teammate Manuel Osborne-Paradis was sixth. Bode Miller was eighth giving the North Americans a strong four skier top 10 showing. - SkiRacing.com
Michael Walchhoferが優勝。Didier Cucheは2位。強いなぁ。北米勢がトップテンに4人。
U.S. Ski Team finding success even without Miller Bode Miller decided to break away from the U.S. Ski Team for this season and race on his own. The team is finding success without him. Scott Macartney finished third in the Saslong downhill Saturday for his first podium finish in nearly two years. Marco Sullivan placed second in the season-opening - AP.com
こんな記事を発見。 それだけ、アメリカ選手の調子がいいからなんだろうけど、ネ。
Macartney Podiums in Val Gardena DH Scott Macartney (Crystal Mountain, WA) stormed to the second podium of his career - his first in downhill as he finished third Saturday in a World Cup downhill. Austrian Michael Walchhofer won and Bode Miller (Bretton Woods, NH) was eighth. WCSN.com will Webcast coverage at 4 p.m. ET. Walchhofer was timed in 1:56.70 with World Cup leader Didier Cuche of Switzerland, who won Friday's super G, second (1:56.88).Macartney finished in 1:57.26 while Miller's time was 1:57.85. T.J. Lanning (Park City, UT), starting 54th in the field of 60, was 31st, bumped out of the points, i.e., top 30 racers, by the next-to-last skier. Steven Nyman (Provo, UT), who won in Val Gardena last season, fell on the upper part of the course. Macartney's top-3 was the second of the day by a U.S. skier, following less than an hour behind the second-place downhill result from Lindsey Vonn (Vail, CO) in St. Moritz, Switzerland. "I didn't do anything amazing, just charged and had a mostly mistake-free run," Macartney said. "I skied clean at the top." "I thought 'Uh oh'..." Macartney felt he was having a strong run, but added, "It's always hard to tell how fast you're going. The run felt clean. I felt I was carrying good speed, but you never feel really fast. I got massive air off the Camels and I thought, 'Uh oh' - but I pulled it off." Macartney paused and agreed with a reporter, "Yeah, never a bad time for a podium." "This is awesome. 'Scotty Mac' has been paying his dues for a long time and this is a sweet payback for him," said Men's DH Head Coach Chris Brigham. It was the second podium of his career for Macartney, a two-time Olympian from Dartmouth College. He's in his 10th season on the U.S. Ski Team. In 2006, heading into the Torino Olympics, he was second in a super G in Garmisch-Partenkirchen, Germany. Saturday, he became the fifth U.S. man to reach the podium this season. "The biggest thing, and what I really like, is this is the third downhill of the season and I'm the third different American to be on the podium," he said. Previously, Marco Sullivan (Squaw Valley, CA) was second in Lake Louise and Steven Nyman (Provo, UT) was second at the Charles Schwab Birds of Prey DH (behind Walchhofer) in Beaver Creek, CO. Other U.S. top-3s have come from Miller in Friday's super G and Ted Ligety (Park City, UT), who has been top-3 in two giant slaloms. "I'm psyched to be with those guys. It's a good group," Macartney said. The 3.4K Saslong speed course is one of the sport's classic downhill runs, threading from sunshine at the top of the course through a tree-lined run where shadows flicker. The fabled Camel Bumps produce big jumps and have claimed numerous skiers through the years. Macartney said he didn't take any extraordinary time on the pre-race course inspection. "I always tend to take a while. I wanted to get a good plan in my head." Under a new seeding system this season, the top seven downhillers get a random draw for start positions between 16-22. Running 23rd, Macartney said he knew the best racers had gone just before him. When he hit the finish and looked to the timing leader board, it took a few seconds to find his name and number - at No. 3. Mac: "Oh yeah, there I am..." "It's nice to come down when you've done well. I saw all the top numbers on the board and I was trying to find my place...and, 'Oh yeah, there I am.' It felt pretty darn good," he said. "Mac stuck with his plan. I think he learned quite a bit from his super G yesterday [Macartney started 50th and finished 23rd]. He had a great run. He skied well on top, really well through the first set of bumps and was really hauling across that first flat...and he kept it going to the bottom," Brigham said. Lanning's near-miss was frustrating, but Brigham said it was another strong race for him. "He's the real deal. He was here for the first time last season and he's learning every day. This was a good week for T.J. This was a good day for the North Americans, two U.S. and two Canadians in the top 10...a good day." - SportsNetwork.com
こんな特集記事書いてもらっちゃって、Scott Macartneyへの期待のでかさが分かるなぁ。
Walchhofer finally bags Val Gardena downhill win Austria's Michael Walchhofer put paid to years of runner-up places on the Val Gardena downhill Saturday claiming victory ahead of Switzerland's Didier Cuche and American Scott MacCartney. Walchhofer, a former world champion in the discipline, thus claims his second downhill win of the season after dominating the field at Beaver Creek, Colorado at the end of November. "It's the last 'classic' missing from my collection, it's one of my best victories," said a delighted Walchhofer, who admitted he had to use sheer speed to overcome the more "technically proficient" Cuche. Cuche had won the men's super-G on Friday and was hoping to claim a rare double, but he could only look on in agony as Walchhofer scorched the run in a time of 1min 56.70 to beat him by 0.18sec. The Swiss racer benefited from the absence of Austrian ace Benjamin Raich to regain the overall World Cup lead after 12 races. He now has 453 points and a 12-point cushion on Raich. But but he is keeping a lid on his overall victory pretensions. "Of course after a victory (in the super-G) and a second place here you are super-motivated," said Cuche. "I might be in the (overall World Cup) lead but I'm not going to waste my energy counting the points. We can do that in March." MacCartney finished a deserved third at 0.56 to claim his first World Cup podium in the discipline and only the second in his career after his second place finish at Garmisch in January 2006. "It was a great race for me, and a great result," said the American, who is the latest from the ambitious US team to secure a podium finish of late. "It's a great season so far for the team, with Marco (Sullivan) second at Lake Louise and Steve (Nyman) second at Beaver Creek. "With me second today that makes three different skiers on the podium, without forgetting Bode Miller's second place in the super-G (on Friday)." Miller, the runner-up to Cuche in the super-G, finished eighth after seeing his lightning start evaporate on the tricky middle section. Walchhofer, 32, had previously finished runner-up four times on the Val Gardena downhill run. Swiss racer Silvan Zurbriggen meanwhile will not race again this season after sustaining knee ligament damage in a crash in the downhill. - AFP.com
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健康な人の善意に頼るほかない骨髄バンクの活動。 善意の輪が広がっていくことを願っている。
きゅっ。の日記(フルブラウザ) きゅっ。の日記(モバイル)

2007年12月15日(土) |
Cuche takes opening leg in Val Gardena
Cuche takes opening leg in Val Gardena Switzerland's Didier Cuche wins the first leg of the World Cup Super G even in Val Gardena to snatch the glory from crowd pleaser Bode Miller. - Eurosport.yahoo.com
1 D Cuche 1:36.62 2 B Miller 1:36.64 3 M Buechel 1:36.66
Didier Cuche が強い! 高速系主体の Didier Cuche が、どこまで走り続けられるか、スイスに久々の総合優勝をもたらすのか。
Miller just behind No. 1 Cuche at Cup super-G Switzerland's Didier Cuche won the men's World Cup super-G race on Friday, snatching the glory from crowd-pleaser Bode Miller of the United States, who finished second - ESPN.com
Hundertstel-Krimi geht an Cuche Der Schweizer Didier Cuche hat den Super-G im italienischen Groeden fuer sich entschieden. In seinem 250. Rennen im alpinen Weltcup gelang dem 33-Jaehrigen der siebte Sieg. Cuche, im vergangenen Winter Gewinner des Abfahrtsweltcups, siegte in 1:36,62 Minuten mit 0,02 Sekunden vor Bode Miller aus den USA. Weitere 0,02 Sekunden zurueck belegte Marco Buechel aus Liechtenstein Rang drei. - Ski2b.com
Val Gardena: Miller second to Cuche in super G For a little over a minute and a half it looked like Bode Miller's Team America would get its first win in the Val Gardena super G Friday. Then Didier Cuche, the next racer to cross the finish, edged his time by 0.02 seconds for his seventh career win and the fifth win for Switzerland this season. Claiming third was Marco Buechel of Liechtenstein, just another two-hundredths back. It was the first super G win for Cuche since the 2003 season when he won at Beaver Creek in December. His first SG win had been in March the previous season. - SkiRacing.com
Val Gardena: Miller 'satisfied with the way I skied' Bode Miller was back on the World Cup podium Friday for the first time since breaking away from the U.S. Ski Team. Miller finished second in a super-G, missing out on defending his title here by a mere two hundredths of a second to Didier Cuche of Switzerland. Miller's previous best finish in 11 races this season was fourth in a super-combi race in Beaver Creek, Colorado, last month. ''Everything has been going well but the results haven't really been there and that's always a little tough when you're putting in all the work and doing everything right,'' Miller said. ''... I was really attacking and made a few errors,'' Miller added. ''But I'm perfectly satisfied with the way I skied.'' - SkiRacing.com
Bode Millerのコメントを意訳すると(笑)、、、 …すべてが順調なんだけど、結果はまーねー。でも、それはいつものことだし、なんでもそーだろ、そーゆーもんだ。それに、おいらは、いつも攻めているし失敗も少ないよ。ま、今の状態には満足だな。
Bode Miller 2nd in Super G event in Italy Defending World Cup super G champion Bode Miller (Bretton Woods, NH) reached his first podium of the season Friday as four U.S. skiers broke into the top 30 in a super G. Miller was second behind Swiss Didier Cuche, two-hundredths of a second away from winning. The event is available for Webcasting on WCSN.com. Miller started 21st and shaved two-hundredths of a second off the time of Marco Buechel of Liechtenstein, taking the lead in 1:36.64. Cuche came down right behind Miller and shaved off another 0.02 to finish in 1:36.62 for the seventh win of his career. It was sunny with temperatures around 30 F. "I'm always attacking, no matter what the course is," Miller said. Until this top-3, he told a press conference, his skis had been running well but he hadn't been executing sharply enough to break onto the podium. - SportsNetwork.com
Swiss skier Cuche pips Miller to win men's super-G Switzerland's Didier Cuche claimed his seventh World Cup career victory by winning the men's super-G here on Friday. American Bode Miller finished a close second with Marco Buechel of Liechtenstein completing the tightly-contested podium in third. Benjamin Raich finished Austria's top skier in seventh place at 0.30secs behind Cuche, which proved enough for him to retain the World Cup overall lead. Cuche clocked a time of 1min 36.66sec, with Miller finishing just 0.02secs behind. Buechel finished at 0.04 behind the Swiss. "Experience and luck are important," said Cuche. "I made a few errors in the jumps. On the last one which led to the final run-in, I landed too far on the left hand side and nearly missed a gate and I thought I had lost the race. In fact it was there that I won it as I gained a bit of time." And on the closeness between the podium places, Cuche added: "Apart from some who manage to be a cut above such as Aksel (Norwegian Aksel Lund Svindal) before his fall, it's very close. It will be difficult for one person to set up a series of victories." Raich's bid to reinforce his World Cup lead was given a boost when one of his main rivals, Swiss all-rounder Daniel Albrecht, crashed out on the race's main jump. Raich now has 441 points with Cuche in second place overall on 373 and now leading the super-G standings. The men's racing will continue with a downhill here on Saturday. - AFP.com
ちなみに、Didier Cucheのタイムは、1:36.62が正しい。AFPの記者も(ry
Didier Cucheのコメントを意訳すれば(笑)、、、 …いがっだ、いがっだ。飛びをあんまし失敗しねかったすけ、ね。ゴールに入るとこの最後の飛びんときに、あんまし左側に着地しちまって、あーしもた、やっちまったと思ったんだ。でもよう、そいでもあんまし遅れんで勝っちまっただよ。 (失礼しました。中高生のみなさんは、辞書を引いて正しい意味を確認してくださいませ。)
総合優勝争いは、昨シーズンの覇者Aksel Lund Svindalが戦線離脱となったので、Benjamin RaichとDidier Cucheの争い。Daniel AlbrechtもRaichと同様に技術系から高速系までをこなすオールラウンダーなので可能性はあるんだけど、この日のレースではクラッシュしてしまった。
Things looking up for Miller Bode (BOH'-dee) Miller has posted his first podium finish since breaking away from the U.S. ski team. The American star finished second in today's World Cup super-G in Italy, two-hundredths of a second behind Didier Cuche (DIHD'-ee-ay KOOSH). It's the Swiss skier's first win of the World Cup season. Miller left the U.S. team ahead of this season to train and race on his own. He won the super-G on the same mountain last year but hadn't finished in the top three since placing third in the giant slalom at last season's World Cup finals. Miller still hasn't won since taking the classic downhill in Wengen, Switzerland, nearly a year ago. - AP.com
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健康な人の善意に頼るほかない骨髄バンクの活動。 善意の輪が広がっていくことを願っている。
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2007年12月14日(金) |
Yankees finalize deal with A-Rod
Yankees finalize deal with A-Rod The Yankees on Thursday announced that they have finalized a 10-year contract with All-Star third baseman Alex Rodriguez. No dollar figures were included in a press release announcing the agreement. - MLB.com
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健康な人の善意に頼るほかない骨髄バンクの活動。 善意の輪が広がっていくことを願っている。
きゅっ。の日記(フルブラウザ) きゅっ。の日記(モバイル)

2007年12月13日(木) |
Orioles Send Former MVP Miguel Tejada to Astros for 5 Players
The Baltimore Orioles traded Miguel Tejada to the Houston Astros, ending the former Most Valuable Player's tumultuous four-year stint with the franchise. - Bloomberg.com
Astros acquire Tejada from Orioles The Astros have traded outfielder Luke Scott, pitchers Matt Albers, Troy Patton and Dennis Sarfate and third baseman Mike Costanzo to Baltimore for shortstop Miguel Tejada. - MLB.com
【追記】 その後、日本のメディアもテハダのトレードを伝えている。MLB関連だと、反応いいからね。で、笑えるのが、
(12/12)テハダ、アストロズへ移籍・井口と二遊間 【ニューヨーク12日共同】米大リーグ、アストロズとオリオールズは12日、2002年ア・リーグmvpのミゲル・テハダ内野手をアストロズにトレードすると発表した。... ...井口資仁内野手と二遊間を組むことになる。 - sports.nikkei.co.jp
爆笑! この記者はよっぽど井口が好きなんだろうな。 正解は、
鉄人テハダ、アストロズ移籍=松井稼とのコンビに期待−米大リーグ 【ニューヨーク12日時事】米大リーグで2002年にア・リーグ最優秀選手に輝いた強打のミゲル・テハダ遊撃手(31)が、オリオールズからアストロズへ移籍するトレードが成立した。... ...今オフ、アストロズには松井稼頭央内野手がフリーエージェントでロッキーズから移籍。テハダと二遊間コンビを組むことが期待される。 - jiji.com
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ツェッペリン19年ぶり復活ライブ 1970年代に一世風びした英国のロックバンド「レッド・ツェッペリン」が10日(日本時間11日)、ロンドンのO2アリーナで19年ぶりの復活公演を行った。 所属したアトランティックレコードの創始者、アーメット・アーティガン氏の追悼公演として開催。ドラムスには88年の復活公演と同様、故ジョン・ボーナム氏(享年32)の長男ジェイソン・ボーナム(41)を迎えた。 デビュー盤の1曲目に収録された「グッド・タイムズ・バッド・タイムズ」でスタート。代表曲「天国への階段」など全16曲を披露し、ボーカルのロバート・プラント(59)は「アーメットのおかげで、こうしてジェイソンとともにこの日を迎えられた」と興奮気味。ラストはダブルアンコールに応えて「ロックン・ロール」を熱演。 最新のCG映像を駆使するなど、125分に及ぶ完成度の高いステージングに2万人のファンは終始総立ち。会場にはポール・マッカートニー(65)やミック・ジャガー(64)、日本から駆けつけた沢尻エリカ(21)の姿もあった。 - sponichi.co.jp
…伝説の夜を見逃すまいと、ポール・マッカートニー、ミック・ジャガー、ジェフ・ベック、ナオミ・キャンベルら世界中の著名人が集結した。限定2万枚のチケットに対して約100万人が応募。オークションではペアチケットが8万3000ポンド(約1900万円)で落札されるほどのプレミア公演で、日本関係者に用意された招待席はわずか3席だった。その1席に、音楽活動の際はERIKAを名乗る沢尻が陣取っていた。- nikkansports.com
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2007年12月11日(火) |
Led Zeppelin return to the stage
Led Zeppelin return to the stage Led Zeppelin have played their first concert in 19 years, before thousands of fans at London's 02 arena. The 90-minute performance opened with Good Times Bad Times, the first track of their debut album. More than one million people had taken part in a ballot for the 9,000 pairs of tickets available for the show. Original band members Jimmy Page, Robert Plant and John Paul Jones were joined on stage by Jason Bonham, the son of their late drummer John Bonham. - BBC.co.uk
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2007年12月10日(月) |
皆川16位、佐々木は22位/W杯スキー <W杯スキー:男子回転>◇第2戦◇9日◇オーストリア・バートクラインキルヒハイム 皆川賢太郎(アルビレックス新潟)は合計タイム1分36秒40で16位だった。佐々木明(ティーシーエス)は1分37秒31で22位。 湯浅直樹(スポーツアルペンク)は上位30選手による2回目に進めず、生田康宏(東京美装)は途中棄権した。 昨季種目別覇者のベンヤミン・ライヒ(オーストリア)が1分34秒46で通算30勝目となる今季初勝利を挙げた。 - nikkansports.com
Raich wins Bad slalom Home skier Benjamin Raich wins the first leg of the slalom in the World Cup meeting in Bad Kleinkirchheim, Austria. His time of 48.34 is 0.24 seconds quicker than Jens Byggmark of Sweden with Felix Neureuther of Germany third. - Eurosport.yahoo.com
Bad K: Raich gets slalom win; no U.S. finishers Benjamin Raich got his first win of the season ? and the landmark 30th World Cup win of his career ? in taking the Bad Kleinkirchheim slalom Sunday, Dec. 9, with a solid 0.66-second margin over Swede Jens Byggmark. Italians took the next three spots in the finish order with Manfred Moelgg achieving his third World Cup podium of the season and second in two days, Patrick Thaler posting the fastest second run time to jump from 28th after the first run to fourth, and Cristian Deville gaining a career best placing in fifth. It was not a pretty day for the North Americans. Ted Ligety went out in the first run, Bode Miller failed to qualify for the second run and Jimmy Cochran botched the second run and was shot off course in a series of turns at the mid-point. Paul Stutz, the lone Canadian to make the cut for the second run was among the six skiers who failed to finish. - SkiRacing.com
Raich fahrt ersten Saisonsieg ein Benjamin Raich hat mit seinem Sieg beim Slalom im Oesterreichischen Bad Kleinkirchheim die Fuehrung im Gesamtweltcup Ubernommen. Der Oesterreich setzte sich beim zweiten Slalomrennen der Weltcup-Saison vor Jens Byggmark (SWE) und Manfred Moelgg (ITA) durch. - Ski2b.com
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12月8日は、日本が真珠湾攻撃をして太平洋戦争に突入した日。 そして、ジョン・レノンの命日。
ジョン・レノン射殺犯を描いた作品 タレントのデーブ・スペクターが8日、都内でカナダ映画「チャプター27」(15日公開、J・P・シェファー監督)の試写会でトークショーを行った。ビートルズのジョン・レノンを射殺したマーク・デイヴィッド・チャップマンの凶行に至るまでの3日間の行動を描く。この日はちょうどレノンが亡くなった日。デーブはレノン死去のニュースをロサンゼルスで知った。「ケネディー大統領の暗殺以来の衝撃だった。何で止められなかったのか。最も生き続けてほしかった人」。チャップマンを演じた主演の米俳優ジャレッド・レト(35)は、役作りのためあえて太って撮影に臨んだという。デーブは「チョコレートアイスクリームを電子レンジで溶かして飲んでいたそうですよ。皆さんもやってみては」と話した。(日刊スポーツ)
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2007年12月08日(土) |
Aspen downhill postponed due to heavy snow
Aspen downhill postponed due to heavy snow The World Cup women's downhill race due to be held at Aspen on Friday is postponed to Saturday after heavy overnight snow. - Eurosport.yahoo.com
Aspen: DH pushed back to Saturday; SG cancelled Heavy snow overnight has forced the postponement of Friday's World Cup women's downhill. The jury met mid-morning Friday and decided to reschedule the downhill for 10:45 a.m. on Saturday. The super-G originally scheduled for Saturday has now been cancelled. Sunday's slalom remains on the program as scheduled. - SkiRacing.com
Aspen-Abfahrt verlegt - Super-G auf der Kippe Heftige Schneef?lle von ?ber 20 Zentimetern in Aspen haben die Austragung der dortigen Damen-Abfahrt unm?glich gemacht. Sie wird nun am 8. Dezember nachgeholt. - Ski2b.com
フジテレビ系全国ネット月9ドラマ「ガリレオ」オリジナルサウンドトラック Japanese soundtrack to Fuji TV show, 'Galileo' hosted by Kou Shibasaki & Masahiro Fukuyama. Also includes Instrumental versions of the tracks arranged by Masahiro Fukuyama himself. Universal. 2007 >>> ガリレオ - フジテレビ
Iguchi ponders signing with Rockies Tadahito Iguchi, the Rockies' chief free-agent target at second base, will speak to his agent about offers late Friday and could come to a decision early next week. - MLB.com
No decision yet from Fukudome Japanese outfielder Kosuke Fukudome has not decided to leave Japan to play in the United States and won't likely do so until Monday, said Joe Urbon, the agent for Fukudome. - MLB.com
Bonds pleads not guilty on all counts Barry Lamar Bonds, Major League Baseball's all-time home run leader, pleaded not guilty on Friday morning to four counts of perjury and one count of obstruction of justice for allegedly lying about his use of performance-enhancing drugs in testimony given to a grand jury four years ago. -MLB.com
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2007年12月07日(金) |
Svindal bleibt vorerst in Vail
Svindal bleibt vorerst in Vail Fern der Heimat Norwegen muss der Gesamtweltcup-Sieger der Saison 2006/2007 Aksel Lund Svindal noch mindestens sieben weitere Tage im Krankenhaus von Vail ausharren. - Ski2b.com
WWE Raw's Greatest Hits WWE Raw'sは、プロレス団体WWE(World Wrestling Entertainment)のテレビ番組。日本だと、CS J-Sportsで放映している。エンタでまさにプロレスチックなストーリー性があって面白いよー!(…って、いまは見れないけど。)そのテーマソング集(?)が発売されるみたいだ。入場シーンとかに使われる曲が多いので、パーティー(宴会)の盛り上げや運動会の入場行進などにいかが? WWE Raw's Greatest Hits >>> WWE: Homepage
Hermann Maier gonnt sich Weltcup-Pause Der Weltcup-Riesenslalom in Bad Kleinkirchheim am kommenden Samstag, dem 8. Dezember 2007 wird ohne Osterreichs Ski-Star Hermann Maier stattfinden. Der 34-Jahrige mochte sich nach den Rennen in Ubersee erst einmal regenerieren, bevor er zu einem weiteren Wettkampf antritt. - Ski2b.com
Aspen: Vonn wins first DH training run After the first training run down the newly fashioned Aspen downhill track, there is one word which seems to best describe what's going to be needed to win here: patience. Unofficially, the fastest time of the day belonged to Lindsey Vonn. There was just a little matter of that last gate. I came in there hauling so much A-S-S, Vonn said. I came in on a left handed delay. I went on a tight line but there was a huge depression and I got like squashed, and was going with one ski in the air heading toward the timing shack. She pulled it off, she said, then added, but I did miss like the last gate. … But I think it was slower to go the way that I went. The results sheets show Vonn in first, 0.35 of a second ahead of Nicole Hosp and 0.37 ahead of Elena Fanchini. - SkiRacing.com
Vonn und Hosp Uberzeugen bei Chaos-Training Das erste Training der Damen in Aspen (USA) am 5. Dezember verlief chaotisch. Die amerikanischen Gastgeber hatten einige Probleme mit der Veranstaltung, so mussten Athleten und Medien ohne Zeitnahme auskommen, auch die Videowall im Ziel blieb schwarz. Erst mit einiger Verspatung konnten die Damen auf die Piste gehen. Diese jedoch war gut prapariert und verspricht ein spannendes Weltcup-Rennen, wenn die prognostizierte Warmwetterfront mit Regenschauern, die am Donnerstag einsetzen sollen, den Damen nicht noch einen Strich durch die Rechnung macht. - Ski2b.com
Vonn fastest in training Lindsey Vonn is fastest in training for Friday's World Cup downhill with a time of 1:34.07 on the Ruthie's Run. Vonn is 0.35 seconds ahead of Austria's Nicole Hosp with Italy's Elena Fanchini third fastest. - Eurosport.yahoo.com
Val d'Isere races move to St. Moritz Despite heavy snows over the past few days, FIS officials were forced to move the women’s downhill and super G scheduled for Dec. 15-16 in Val d’Isere, France, to St. Moritz. - SkiRacing.com
Deneriaz confirms retirement Olympic downhill champion Antoine Deneriaz announced his retirement Wednesday. ''I have decided to end my career,'' the 31-year-old Frenchman said at a news conference in Annecy, France. Deneriaz struggled with form and confidence ever since a crash at Are, Sweden, in March 2006, a month after winning the downhill at the 2006 Turin Olympics. Deneriaz lost his balance on one of the course's big jumps, hitting his head on the hard-packed ice and finally ending up in the safety netting. He suffered a concussion and hurt his neck but also sustained a bruise from his thigh to his hip. ''I've lost confidence and I prefer to quit of my own doing rather than finish in hospital,'' Deneriaz said, adding that the crash in Are made him ''aware of the risks'' he was taking. Last week, Deneriaz withdrew from races at Beaver Creek, Colorado, after finishing an embarrassing 83rd place in downhill training - more than 7 seconds behind leader Didier Cuche of Switzerland. In February 2006, Deneriaz won by .72 seconds for the largest margin of victory in an Olympic men's downhill in 42 years. The victory was even more unexpected because he had injured his left knee in training at Chamonix, France, 13 months before the Turin Games. - SkiRacing.com
もしかして、電子辞書をお探しですか? 電子辞書 ・総合モデル ・学習モデル ・音声対応モデル ・英語モデル ・ドイツ語モデル ・フランス語モデル ・スペイン語モデル ・イタリア語モデル ・中国語モデル ・韓国語モデル ・医療辞書モデル ・カシオ ・シャープ ・セイコー
Yanks, Giants reportedly talk Matsui The Yankees may have left the Winter Meetings without pulling off a major trade, but they also departed discussing a potential deal that would involve Hideki Matsui. Sankei Sports reported on Thursday that the Giants have inquired about Matsui's availability, interested in upgrading their offense by adding the 33-year-old outfielder. - MLB.com
Bonds' arraignment set for Friday The first step in the case now entitled USA v. Barry Bonds will be taken on Friday morning in courtroom No. 10 at the federal building in San Francisco. - MLB.com
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2007年12月06日(木) |
Olympic champion Deneriaz retires
Olympic champion Deneriaz retires Olympic downhill champion Antoine Deneriaz announces he is retiring from Alpine skiing. - Eurosport.yahoo.com
Olympiasieger Deneriaz tritt zuruck Olympiasieger Antoine Deneriaz kehrt dem alpinen Ski-Rennsport nach einem frustrierenden Saisonbeginn mit sofortiger Wirkung den Rucken. "Ich habe beschlossen, meine Laufbahn zu beenden", sagte er am Mittwoch auf einer Pressekonferenz. Vor knapp drei Wochen hatte Deneriaz noch betont, er fuhle sich in guter Verfassung und bereit, "aufs Siegertreppchen zu fahren". - Ski2b.com
Aamodt's medals returned The 19 Olympic and world championship medals that were stolen from Norwegian star Kjetil Andre Aamodt are returned four years after their theft. - Eurosport.yahoo.com
The Eagles Long Road Out of Eden >>> Eagles | eaglesband.com
Cardinals release veteran Taguchi The Cardinals released outfielder So Taguchi on Wednesday, thus opening up a spot on the 40-man roster for a potential selection in the Rule 5 Draft on Thursday. Taguchi, 38, who became a fan favorite, batted .283 in six seasons with the Cardinals. - MLB.com
Iguchi becomes a top target for Rox Tadahito Iguchi has risen to the top of the list of free-agent targets for the Rockies' second-base job, but the team insists that it is comfortable with in-house candidates. - MLB.com
Pursuit of Iguchi may be fruitless Tadahito Iguchi's unique contract situation may have ended the Phillies' pursuit of the free-agent infielder before it could begin. - MLB.com
Bonds wants to play in 2008 Despite profound legal troubles and a pending arraignment on Friday in a San Francisco federal court, former Giants slugger and current free agent Barry Bonds still intends to play the 2008 season, his agent told MLB.com on Wednesday - MLB.com
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2007年12月05日(水) |
バンクーバーオリンピックまであと800日 >>> Go! Go! Mizue!
Aspen: U.S. women eager to tackle DH track The women’s World Cup stays in North America this week as the ski racers head to the snowy resort town of Aspen, Colorado, where the downhill will be part of the program for the first time since 1988. The women will begin training runs Dec. 5 and 6, then race downhill on Friday, super G on Saturday and slalom on Sunday. - SkiRacing.com
Paerson named athlete of the year Triple World Championship gold medallist Anja Paerson is named Sweden's athlete of the year. The 26-year-old, who won the super-G, downhill and combined on home soil in Are in February as well as the slalom bronze, is the first person to win the award twice in a row. - Eurosport.yahoo.com
Albrecht Sieger der Mini-WM im Ski-Weltcup Die so genannte Mini-WM in Beaver Creek (USA) hat die Herren rund eine Woche lang in Anspruch genommen und tragt ihren Namen damit zurecht. Auf der legendaren 'Birds of Prey' ging vor allem Daniel Albrecht als Sieger aus den vier Rennen hervor. - Ski2b.com
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2007年12月04日(火) |
Beaver Creek: Swiss Albrecht wins again; Ligety 4th
Beaver Creek: Swiss Albrecht wins again; Ligety 4th Somebody woke up the Swiss. Daniel Albrecht collected his second World Cup win in three days, and the fourth win for the Swiss this season, with a scintillating come from behind win in the Birds of Prey giant slalom. Having collected his first career win in the combined here Nov. 29, Albrecht unseated teammate and first run leader Didier Cuche ? nine years his senior ? for the win, while Austrian Mario Matt snuck in between for second place. American Ted Ligety had a strong day, to tie Italian GS Massimiliano Blardone for fourth place, and take over first in the World Cup Giant Slalom standings. - SkiRacing.com
Podium Profile: Albrecht, Cuche on fire Switzerland was on fire Sunday, putting three racers on the podium. Daniel Albrecht got his second career win in the Beaver Creek GS today; Didier Cuche placed third again to top the overall standings; and Martina Schild got her first career win in the Lake Louise super G. - SkiRacing.com
Reichelt leads Austrian sweep in super-G Hannes Reichelt leads an Austria sweep of the podium in the men's World Cup super-G at Beaver Creek with Mario Scheiber and Christoph Gruber second and third respectively. - Eurosport.yahoo.com
Osterreicher dominieren den Super-G in Beaver Creek Die osterreichischen alpinen Skifahrer haben der Konkurrenz zum Abschluss der Weltcup-Rennen im US-Bundesstaat Colorado beim Super-G keine Chance gelassen. Hannes Reichelt siegte in 1:19,87 Minuten knapp vor seinen beiden Landsleuten Mario Scheiber (+0,02 Sekunden) und Christoph Gruber (+0,21 Sekunden). Vierter wurde der Schweizer Daniel Albrecht, der den gestrigen Riesenslalom fur sich entschieden hatte. Er setzte sich in der osterreichischen Phalanx fest und verwies mit Benni Raich und Michi Walchhofer zwei weitere Athleten aus der Ski-Nation auf die Range funf und sechs. - Ski2b.com
Austrians pack SG leader board There is joy in Mudville. Make that Schlammville. The Austrian men's team, much maligned through the early portions of this 2008 World Cup season, emerged in no uncertain fashion Monday (Dec. 3), powering five skiers into the top six places of the delayed super G on the Beaver Creek Birds of Prey course. Hannes Reichelt got the win followed by Mario Scheiber and Christoph Gruber. The Austrians, long the dominant force on the World Cup had faced a distraught public at home, having produced just a single win and only four podiums total in the seven races preceding today's test. It was, as Benjamin Raich said, A national problem. Problem solved. - SkiRacing.com
Eric Clapton Complete Clapton >>> Eric Clapton's official website
Report: Led Zep, Metallica For Bonnaroo Led Zeppelin will play its first U.S. show since July 24, 1977, this June at the Bonnaroo festival in Manchester, Tenn., according to an email published in industry commentator Bob Lefsetz's newsletter. The report also says Metallica will headline the event. - Billboard.com
Porsche racer, 1960s style Porsche has released more photos of the limited edition mid-engine Boxster RS 60 Spyder it plans to unveil at the 2007 Bologna auto show, which takes place December 7 to 15. - CNETNews.com
Teddy row teacher leaves Sudan A British teacher convicted of insulting religion in Sudan by allowing her students to name a teddy bear "Mohammed" has left Khartoum on a flight home, the British Foreign Office said. - CNN.com
Kosovo Compromise Impossible, EU Envoy Says The EU's representative in the troika mediating negotiations about the future status of Kosovo has said that, in his view, the talks have resulted in a dead end with no chance of reaching a compromise. - dw-world.de
Leading article: Kyoto is a hard, but not impossible, act to follow The conference that opens today on the Indonesian island of Bali is one of the most important international gatherings of this year, perhaps the most important. Held under the aegis of the United Nations, it brings together representatives of 191 countries and its purpose is to start the process of agreeing a new treaty to carry on where the Kyoto Protocol on climate change leaves off in 2012. That the conference is taking place in Bali ? not only one of the most beautiful and welcoming of islands, but a place that would be among the first to feel the deleterious effects of climate change if the sea level rises ? should only underline for the delegates the seriousness of the task in hand. - Independent.co.uk
Sweden probes porn viewing by police Swedish police have opened an internal investigation after a governing body accused 39 officers and police employees of surfing the Web for porn at work. - UPI.com
Japan punches ticket to Beijing, routing Taiwan 10-2 in Asian qualifier Japan punched its ticket to the Beijing Olympics with its third straight victory in the Asian qualifying tournament, routing Taiwan 10-2 on Monday. Takahiro Arai drove in four runs for Japan, the 2006 World Baseball Classic champion. Yu Darvish went seven innings, giving up just three hits and two runs. - SportingNews.com
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2007年12月03日(月) |
Lake Louise: Swiss Schild tops SG for first win
Lake Louise: Swiss Schild tops SG for first win Switzerland’s resurgence as an alpine powerhouse continued Sunday as Martina Schild bested the field to capture the opening women’s World Cup super G in Lake Louise. It was her first win on the World Cup circuit. Second place went to Germany’s Maria Riesch who has seen success in Lake Louise, winning one of two downhills held at the resort in 2006. - SkiRacing.com
Martina Schild siegt in Lake Louise - Riesch Zweite Maria Riesch ist beim Weltcup-Super-G der Damen im kanadischen Lake Louise auf einen hervorragenden zweiten Platz gefahren. - Ski2b.com
Schild breaks duck in super-G opener Martina Schild puts down an error-free run while the favourites falter as the Swiss claims the season-opening super-G and her first career World Cup win. - Eurosport.yahoo.com
Cuche holds early lead in Beaver Creek GS Swiss Didier Cuche put down a spectacular first run in the men's GS at Beaver Creek Sunday (Dec. 2) to take the early lead, narrowly ahead of Italian Massimiliano Blardone, a two time runner-up in the GS standings. Austrian Benjamin Raich sat in a tie for third with Italian Manfred Moelgg, more than half a second off the pace of the top two. - SkiRacing.com
Cuche leads, Miller out Switzerland's Didier Cuche leads the first leg of the World Cup giant slalom race on the Birds of Prey course, taking a 0.12-second lead over last year's winner, Italian Massimiliano Blardone. Bode Miller does not qualify for the second run. -Eurosport.yahoo.com
Albrecht wins Beaver Creek giant slalom Daniel Albrecht of Switzerland wins the men's World Cup giant slalom in Beaver Creek. - Eurosport.yahoo.com
Albrecht holt sich auch den Sieg im Riesenslalom Nach seinem Sieg in der Super-Kombination hat sich Daniel Albrecht auch den Sieg im Riesenslalom geschnappt. - Ski2b.com
Holder Svindal out for World Cup season Overall World Cup champion Aksel Lund Svindal of Norway is almost certain to miss the rest of the Alpine season as he struggles to recover from a crash in training. - Eurosport.yahoo.com
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Barghouti: Palestinians will back peace Imprisoned Fatah leader Marwan Barghouti said Sunday he believes Palestinians would back a peace agreement with Israel. - UPI.com
Putin's United Russia at 63.2% with almost half of votes counted MOSCOW, December 3 (RIA Novosti) -?With over 47% of votes counted, President Vladimir Putin's United Russia party has garnered an overwhelming 63.2% in Sunday's parliamentary polls, the Central Election Commission announced. - RIAN.ru
Putin's Party Wins Crushing Victory in Russian Parliamentary Elections Vladimir Putin's party won a crushing victory in parliamentary elections Sunday, paving the way for the authoritarian leader to remain in control even after he steps down as president. -AP.org
Putin party wins landslide amid opposition protests President Vladimir Putin's party won a huge majority in Russia's parliamentary elections, according to partial results Monday, but the United States called for opposition claims of vote violations to be investigated. - AFP.com
Landslide Is Likely for United Russia The party that backs Vladimir Putin appeared headed for a strong victory in Russia's parliamentary election, backed by a major government push. A big win would help the Russian president extend his political power beyond the end of his term. - WSJ.com
Fidel Castro nominated in possible return to presidency Ailing Cuban leader Fidel Castro was nominated Sunday as a National Assembly candidate by local officials here, clearing the way for a possible return to the presidency. - AFP.com
China Construction Bank opens Australian office The second-largest bank by value in the world has opened its first Australian office in Sydney as it seeks to take advantage of rising Chinese demand for raw materials from Australia. - Bloomberg.com
Sudan leader to hear teacher plea Sudan's president, Omar al-Bashir, on Monday morning will meet with two British lawmakers to discuss a possible pardon for a British teacher convicted of insulting religion, presidential palace sources said Sunday. - CNN.com
Ozzzy Osbourne 'Garage Sale' Nets $800,000 for Cancer Ozzy Osbourne's 'garage sale,' an auction that drew fans and art collectors alike, netted $800,000 for the Sharon Osbourne Colon Cancer Program at Cedars-Sinai Medical Center. - FOXNews.com
Astros officially sign Matsui As expected, the Astros finalized their agreement with second baseman Kazuo Matsui, who signed a three-year contract worth $16.5 million. The announcement was made Sunday afternoon, shortly after Matsui underwent and passed a physical in Houston. - MLB.com
Exit polls show close Venezuela vote Venezuela's Hugo Chavez sought to cement his power Sunday in a vote on constitutional reforms that could let him remain president for life. - MSNBC.com
Chavez wins Venezuela vote: sources Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez appeared headed for victory on Sunday in a referendum on allowing the leftist to rule for as long as he keeps winning elections, government-linked sources said, citing exit polls - Reuters.com
Iraq’s Kurds say no Turkey attack Kurdish officials insisted on Sunday that there had been no Turkish military incursion into northern Iraq, describing as baseless Ankara’s claims that significant losses had been inflicted on Kurdish rebels. - MSNBC.com
No AIDS estimate available yet: CDC New federal numbers put the number of Americans infected with the AIDS virus each year close to 50 percent higher than previous estimates, activist groups and some media reported, but federal officials denied on Sunday that the data was finished yet. - Reuters.com
AC Milan midfielder Kaka wins Golden Ball award; Ronaldo and Messi next best AC Milan midfielder Kaka won the Golden Ball award Sunday after his standout performances helped the Italian club win the Champions League title this year. SportingNews.com
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2007年12月02日(日) |
Beaver Creek: Super G postponed until Monday
Beaver Creek: Super G postponed until Monday Saturday’s World Cup men’s super G at Beaver Creek has been postponed due to weather conditions and in the interest of competitor safety. The super G is now scheduled for 10 a.m. Monday. The giant slalom will be staged as scheduled on Sunday, with the first run set for 9:45 a.m. - SkiRacing.com
Super-G der Herren abgesagt und auf Montag verlegt Der Super-G der M?nner im amerikanischen Beaver Creek ist wegen Schneefalls und dichtem Nebel abgesagt worden. Das Rennen soll nun am kommenden Montag (18.00 Uhr/MEZ) nachgeholt werden. - Ski2b.com
Beaver Creek Super G postponed The men's Super-G event from Beaver Creek, Colorado scheduled for Saturday is postponed until Monday due to weather conditions. - Eurosport.yahoo.com
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Russian polls open in key election test for Putin Russians began voting Sunday in a parliamentary election set to hand President Vladimir Putin's party a huge majority and reinforce his campaign to retain authority after leaving the Kremlin. - AFP.com
Sociologist: Most Russians Don't Know What Democracy Is Why can there be virtually no surprises in the upcoming Russian elections? DW-WORLD.DE spoke to Russian sociologist Lev Gudkov about voters, their relationship to the state and their views of the political system. - Dw-World.de
Russian govt. accused of culture control Several prominent artists and writers in Russia are accusing their government of expanding its control in the realm of culture. - UPI.com
Turkey attacks PKK rebels in northern Iraq: army Turkey made good on its threat to strike Kurdish rebels in northern Iraq Saturday, saying it inflicted "heavy losses" on the armed separatist movement PKK with cross-border airstrikes and artillery. - AFP.com
Clinton Seizes Opportunity After Crisis The hostage crisis at Hillary Rodham Clinton"s campaign office was a potential tragedy. As soon as it ended, Clinton took full advantage of the opportunity she had unexpectedly been handed. - CBSNews.com
Universe puts on a show this winter For stargazers everywhere, this is the time to train your telescopes on Mars, Mercury and a great meteor shower. Of the dozen or so annual meteor showers, the Geminids is one of the most spectacular. It will take place in the wee hours of December 14. - CNN.com
Pakistan's Sharif No Threat to the West Soon after he returned from eight years in exile, Nawaz Sharif reminded his followers that he was the prime minister who made Pakistan a nuclear power. - ABCNews.com
Lab for Space Station Puts NASA Priorities in Question After years of delays, NASA hopes to launch next week a European-built laboratory that will greatly expand the research capability of the international space station. - WashingtonPost.com
Al-Qaida Militant Raid Kills 13 Villagers In Dwelah, North Of Baghdad Saturday, suspected al-Qaida militants raided a Shiite village north of Baghdad, killing at least 13 people and wounding at least 10, sources reported. The militants also burned down several homes in the raid. - RTTNews.com
MI5 warns of Chinese cyber spying The British internal security agency has warned large companies that Chinese state companies may be spying on them, it was reported Saturday. - UPI.com
Kildow-Vonn claims another Lake Louise win Lindsey Kildow-Vonn claims victory in the Lake Louise downhill for the fourth year in succession. - Eurosport.yahoo.com
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2007年12月01日(土) |
Beaver Creek: Svindal may miss rest of season
Beaver Creek: Svindal may miss rest of season Aksel Lund Svindal, who suffered a deep gash in his groin area from a crash during a downhill training run earlier this week, required ''minor abdominal surgery'' as part of his treatment, the Vail Valley Medical Center said in a statement Thursday. - SkiRacing.com
Svindal droht Saisonaus Der Norweger Aksel Lund Svindal konnte nach seinem schweren Trainingssturz in Beaver Creek/USA fur die komplette Saion ausfallen. Laut des behandelnden Arztes an der Klinik in Vail musse Svindal erneut operiert werden. - Ski2b.com
Beaver Creek: Injured ankle sends Berthod home Marc Berthod was forced to return home to Switzerland on Friday after injuring himself the previous day in the warm-up for the men's downhill portion of a World Cup super combi. - SkiRacing.com
Walchhofer meldet sich zuruck Michael Walchhofer hat sich mit seinem Sieg beim Abfahrts-Weltcup in Beaver Creek zuruckgemeldet. Der Osterreichische Speed-Spezialist gewann das bis zum Ende spannende Rennen vor dem Amerikaner Steven Nyman und Didier Cuche (SUI). - Ski2b.com
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Putin's party heads for landslide as campaign ends Campaigning for Russia's parliamentary election ended on Friday with President Vladimir Putin's party on course for a landslide victory and opposition groups voicing fears of widespread ballot-rigging. - Reuters.com
Plane Crash in Southwest Turkey Kills All 57 on Board An Atlasjet passenger plane crashed in southwest Turkey, killing all 57 people on board, the Turkish Pilots' Association said. - Bloomberg.com
PS3 Beats Wii Sales in Japan In November Sony's playstation 3 outsold Nintendo's Wii in Japan for the first time--but does one month signal a trend? In the four weeks leading up to Nov. 25, Sony sold 183217 PS3 systems in Japan. - PCWorld.com
Max Speed on Lamborghini Sets New Record A viral video shows a man pushing a Lamborghini to the max on an Ariz. freeway. - ABCNews.com
Up-And-Comer Voices New Billy Joel Song Billy Joel has broken his self-imposed retirement from pop for the second time in a year, but he'd almost rather you didn't know that. The second new Joel-penned single since his last pop album, 1993's "River of Dreams," is called "Christmas in Fallujah" and hits iTunes Dec. 4. - Billboard.com
Hostages Released From N.H. Clinton Office A deranged man wearing what appeared to be a bomb strapped to his chest walked into a Hillary Clinton campaign office, took several hostages and demanded to speak to the candidate during a nearly four-hour standoff, authorities said. - CBSNews.com
Payout for A-Rod deal could reach $314M As the New York Yankees and agent Scott Boras move toward a 10-year deal for Alex Rodriguez, the most important number is etched in stone: If Rodriguez achieves all the goals laid out for him, he will finish with a total payout of $314 million. - ESPN.com
Matsui agrees to three-year deal The Astros have reportedly agreed to terms with free agent second baseman Kazuo Matsui on a three-year, $15 million contract. The Daily Herald of Chicago reported the agreement on the publication's Web site late Thursday night. - MLB.com
Sex Now the Main Cause of HIV in China AIDS could spread faster through China's general population now that sex has overtaken drug use as the chief means of contracting the virus that causes the disease, experts fear. - NationalGeographic.com
Strike-hit Ford Russia plant set to resume two-thirds output Ford Russia, whose workers have been on a strike since last week, said on Friday it is preparing to resume production to two-thirds of capacity following a meeting with the plant's trade union. - RIAN.ru
Bono's Red raises $50m for Aids Product Red, the brand co-founded by U2 frontman Bono, has raised $50m to fight Aids in Africa. - BBC.co.uk
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