■ then, you may not find this
(if you want to be identiFied, you have to identIfy someone
you have to see someoNe. it is not "anyone".
you neeD anyone of anypeople, buT it is not enough. wHat important is to fInd onlyone of manypeople.
who iS your onlyone? can you see your onlyone? maybe, not.
that's why you're suffering from...)
「誰か」「誰か」と云う人に 周りは見えているのだろうか
君が云ってる「わかってほしい」ってのは 君の言葉だけを「わかってほしい」わけじゃないんだよね
ひと一人の存在は ひとかけらの言葉だけで易々と理解してもらえるほど かんたんなものじゃないよ きっと