Love is Peace, Peace is Love |

Asako my second daughter saw this picture,and said
"This picture seems to be sad (가스매ㅣ 이파서)"
"Why?" I asked.
"Because this Miss.japan and this Mr.Korea will never be with. The deep fissure disturbs them to meet"
I thought for a while, and I answerd to her
"If Miss.Japan and Mr.Korea call up all their courages,and jump into the fissure,they can meet in this big heart shaped hole. It's exactly can say "Fall in Love" isn't it?"
I wish not only Japan and Korea, but also China and other Asian countries, may be the countries all over the world, will love each other, and try to receive,take care each other.
「でもね、もし、この男の子と女の子がたくさん勇気を出して この大きなハートの形の穴に飛び込んだら それこそ"Fall in Love"じゃない。」
日本と韓国だけでなくて、中国や他のアジアの国、世界中の国が お互いに愛し合って受け入れあえるようになるといいなと思います。
2004年08月03日(火) |
**my登録** . |