夏はまだ終わってないけれど この夏一番の思い出ができました。
Although this summer had not finished yet,it will be my best memory in this summer
裕子が道を尋ねられたことがきっかけで知り合った 韓国から旅行に来た大学生の男の子二人と裕子と私 大宰府天満宮へ行ったこと。 電車の中で、歩きながら、お茶屋さんで一緒に梅が枝餅を食べながら 言葉にできないぐらい楽しく素敵な時間を過ごしました。
Yuko & I went to Dazaifu shrine with two korean college student,who came to Fukuoka for sightseeig with full of adventure spirit. We had a wonderful time to talk with them on the train,or at Japanese tea house,even when we were just walking and catting.
韓国と福岡は、福岡〜東京ぐらいしか離れていないというけれど 二つの国を挟む日本海には 国境と言う高い壁があるような気がして・・ だけど不思議なことに、話す言葉も国も違うその二人と一緒にいても 心の言葉が通じているような不思議な気持ちがしたのは、 遠慮せずにうちとけて話せたのは 遠く歴史を遡ると私たちのルーツが同じだからかな?
The time to go to Korea from Fukuoka, and to go to Tokyo from Fukuoka is almost the same. But I feel as if there was a high wall on the Sea of Japan.
However, I had a amazing feeling with them. I felt as if we could understand each other even our language and countries are defferent. I had the nostalgic feeling with them,that's like I've been knew them before we met. I felt something sprang up in my mind. I think that it is because our root is the same.
二人のHPを見ていると 手を伸ばせば二人が近くにいる不思議な感覚。 ネットや交通が発達した便利な時代に生まれた 裕子やあの男の子たちの世代がもっと大人になる頃には 日本海の壁はもっと低いものになっているかもしれない。
Now, I can see them on their HP. And I can feel them through their HP. The wall of the Sea of Japan might be lower when our kids grow up more. They are born in such days, a network and transportation progressed.
I hope to meet those 2 nice guys who are so gentle, fun to be with, and courtesy, someday.
![](http://www.geocities.co.jp/Milkyway-Lynx/1012/nikki/heart.jpg) This heart-warming picture is presented from Jangさん
and also here is my pleasure & treasure◇