2008年04月28日(月) |
プロムス最終日コンサート |
ベルリーニ作曲歌劇「夢遊病の女」第二幕のアリア レハール喜歌劇「ジュディッタ」から「熱き口づけ」 リヒャルトシュトラウス「4つの歌」から「朝に」
2008年04月26日(土) |
スリランカ内戦激化(8) |
「Apr 26, Colombo: Death toll in last night's bomb explosion in Piliyandala, near the Sri Lankan capital Colombo rose to 26, with two of the 64 wounded persons succumbing to their injuries today.」
2008年04月25日(金) |
本格芋焼酎「杜氏潤平」 |

2008年04月20日(日) |
オーストラリアワイン「Logan Weemala」 |

「Peter Logan」氏のローガン醸造所の「Weemala」の「ピノノワール」です。フルーツの香りがするフレッシュなワインです。価格帯からすると「まあまあ」のわいんでしょうか。白黒のラベルがインパクトが強いです。描かれている鳥は、葡萄畑のあるオーストラリアNSWの中央山脈に生息する「Brue Wren」(ミソサザイ)だそうです。ホームページもしっかりしていました。以下ホームページから少し紹介します。
2007 Weemala Pinot Noir Weemala is both an aboriginal word for ‘good view’ and the name of our vineyard in the Central Ranges of NSW. As the birds that live herecan testify, it does have a bloody good view. Right now you’ve got a pretty good view of our Pinot Noir. The 2007 Pinot Noir is cherry red in colour and has perfumed aromas of strawberry, clove and cinnamon with fl avours of cherry, plum and allspice on a smooth palate.
VINEYARD The Pinot Noir grapes for this dry red were harvested at 13.3°Baumé on the 17th March 2007 from 11 year old vines in volcanic soils in range, New South Wales. The diffi cult 2007 vintage was characterised by very low yields as a result of drought. While temperatures were mild during the growing season, the low yields resulted in very early ripening. The low yields and mild temperatures produced well balanced grapes, although with a high skin and seed to juice ratio.
WINEMAKING The grapes were crushed by a combination of the pigeage method (using our feet) and conventional mechanical crushing. Pigeage continued in open fermenters throughout fermentation for 10% of the wine with the other 90% being lightly pumped over twice per day. The grapes were seeded with burgundy yeast. The wine was pressed off the skins at 2° Baumé with 50% of the juice completing primary and malolactic fermentation in French and Hungarian barrels (a combination of new and used). This portion was matured in oak for 6 months. The emaining 50% completed primary/malolactic fermentations and maturation in stainless steel. The wine was lightly fi ltered before bottling.
ANALYSIS Alcohol 13.5 % Titratible acidity 5.6 g/L pH 3.55 Residual sugar 0.7g/L
2008年04月18日(金) |
スリランカ内戦激化(7) |
"We have reliable intelligence information that fleeing LTTE cadres moved the Madhu statue inside dense jungle extending over 70km away from its place of origin. The LTTE may take the statue further in as a tactic to carry out their propaganda against the Security Forces in future when troops launch humanitarian operations to liberate the area from the grip of the LTTE," Minister Rambukwella pointed out.
2008年04月11日(金) |
デジタル一眼レフ購入 |
2008年04月10日(木) |
スペインのワイン「エストラテゴ・レアル赤」 |

葡萄:Tempranillo(テンプラニーニョ)100% 醸造元:Dominio de Eguren社
スペインの「エストラテゴ・レアルの赤」です。1000円台前半で買えるワインとしては本当に美味しいワインです。複雑さと強さを併せ持っています。このワインはテーブルワインですが製造元のエグレン家(Egvren)では様々なワインを造っていて近年注目されているようです。現当主の「MARCOS EGUREN(マルコス・エグレン)氏には注目しておいて損はないでしょう。
2008年04月09日(水) |
シンガポール航空の時刻表変更 |
Flight Number Sector Departure Arrival SQ466 SIN – CMB 0705 0815 SQ467 CMB – SIN 0930 1555
Flight Number Sector Departure Arrival SQ468 SIN – CMB 2245 2355 SQ469 CMB – SIN 0110 0755
2008年04月06日(日) |
スリランカ内戦激化(6) |
Apr 06, Colombo: A suspected Tamil Tiger bomb explosion in Sri Lanka has killed the Minister of Highways and Road Development Jeyaraj Fernandopulle and ten others this morning, the Defense Ministry said.
The bomb targeted a marathon event in Weliweriaya town, about 25 km north of Colombo this morning. The bomb was detonated just before the Minister kicked off the event according to the security officials.
Defense sources said Gampaha Division SSP Hector Darmasiri was also seriously injured and admitted to the General Hospital at Gampaha. Over 50 people were admitted and more casualties are expected.
Minister Fernandopulle was a senior minister in the Rajapaksa government. He is member of the parliament from the ruling Sri Lanka Freedom party since 1983.
2008年04月05日(土) |
ボルドーワイン「ラフォレピムケ」 |

ボルドーの「Chateau Laforet Pimouguet 2005」です。2006年のボルドー・アキテーヌ・ワインコンクールで金賞を受賞したワインです。こういうワインは安くても安心して買えます。その評価とおりコストパフォーマンスは非常に高いワインでした。
葡萄はメルロー 60% カベルネ・フラン 25% カベルネ・ソーヴィニョン 15%
2008年04月03日(木) |
スリランカからのニュース(3) |
Emirates looks to sell SriLankan air stake (6 Jan 2008)
DUBAI (Reuters) - Emirates airline said it is looking to sell all or part its stake in state-controlled SriLankan Airlines after the South Asian island's government sought greater control over the carrier's day-to-day business.
Dubai-based Emirates, which owns 43.6 percent of SriLankan and whose 10-year management contract of the carrier expires in April, would value its stake it about $150 million, Emirates President Tim Clark told Reuters on Sunday.
"It's a good buy," Clark said. "The government was seeking greater control over the day-to-day business of the airline, which was not acceptable to us."
SriLankan investors might be interested in buying Emirates' stake, Clark said, without being more specific.Emirates said on Sunday it would not renew its management contract, though it did not give a reason.
"Emirates has notified the Government of Sri Lanka that it will not be renewing the shareholder's agreement, which expires on March 31," the carrier said in a statement.
"With effect from April 1, management control of SriLankan Airlines will pass to the Government of Sri Lanka," it said.
The Sri Lankan government last month cancelled the work permit of SriLankan Chief Executive Officer Peter Hill - who was seconded from Emirates - after the carrier refused seats to President Mahinda Rajapaksa and 35 officials who were visiting the United Kingdom. "It's an amicable parting," Clark said.
Emirates had in September expected to renew its management contract for at least another five years and wanted to double the carrier's fleet to as many as 30 aircraft. Emirates paid $70 million for the stake in SriLankan, its only investment in another carrier.
Sri Lanka Government appoints SriLankan Airlines・Chairman & Directors -March 28th, 2008
The Government of Sri Lanka has nominated and appointed a new Chairman and Directors to SriLankan Airlines, with immediate effect.
Dr P B Jayasundera has been appointed Chairman with Mr. Nishantha Wickremasinghe, Mr Lalith De Silva and Mr Sunil Wijesinha as Nominee Directors to represent the government which holds 51.05% shares while the Emirates Airline holding 43.63% shares will be represented by Mr Tim Clark, Mr Gary Chapman and Mr Nigel Hopkins.
President's Speech at New SriLankan Airline Ceremony April 03, 2008, Katunayaka, Sri Lanka.
I remember how Sri Lankan Air Line was handed over to another company a decade ago. When that decision was taken it gave a huge shock to people in this country. People were shocked having listened to the largest transaction at the time.
I still remember a photo published on newspapers showing employees of this airline sadly looking at parking of an aircraft that bore a different logo from Air Lanka from distance.
Those who behind the deal at the time could only explain it with words that country should embrace the new global economic trends. We are not going to take cover from these words. But, we clearly state that we are going to the future with the new global economic trends while protecting our identity.
That is the vision with that we should deal with the world.
We are not a nation new international trade. We are nation that has been doing international trade and maintaining diplomatic ties with world for over thousands of years. We are well experienced in trading with global economy. We also faced the invasions that had come with those transactions. Therefore, we have to comprehend this global reality and to get used to make good business with it.
Friends ! This is a moment that the shock given to our people decade ago turns to a pleasure.
There is no point of blaming the past. No point of cursing the management. No point of cursing people behind the deal. What I believe is that the past is to learn lessons but not blame and complain.
Let's correct this mistake for the nation and for the future generation. We launched Mihin Lanka airline to give back the lost heritage for the people. We started it with 250 million. Today, not even a boutique can be started with 250 million. To go head solving the problems we need cooperation of all.
World has been able to win over the skies excellently since the day that Rights brothers invented the aircraft. Distances between countries have been reduced by the speed itself. Air travel has become the safest and the swiftest mode of travel.
Air travelers have become a group that enjoys luxurious amenities. But, what as a nation, have we been able to contribute to the air line industry?
When aircraft technology reaches the sky in development we have not been able to build a competent management at least. It has been calculated that loss incurring from air travel for this year is 5000 million. In certain years our air lines have shown profits by selling out their aircraft. This is a situation we have to be ashamed of as nation. Our first battle should be to come out of this shame.
Our endowments are not going to be protected just because an indigenous management is appointed. It is not going to be protected because the government has the ownership either. We have to overcome lot of challenges if we are to make this airline a national heritage. We have taken a great responsibility. You should see the great challenge in front of you when you assume this responsibility.
We are assuming this airline at a time when large numbers of competitive airlines have come up in the region, also, at a time when the global economy has to face lot of challenges.
Fuel prices are skyrocketing at global markets. It affects all airlines in the world. Also, food prices are going up today. The world most wicked terrorists in our country are dieing hard to disrupt our air travel. By carrying out several attacks at our national airport they attempted to stop aircraft coming into the country, the attempt was to isolate us from the rest of the world.
It is under this situation that we are taking over the responsibility to run this airline. I believe this responsibility is not too much for us. Having won the east we are now getting ready to win north. This is a time that we are offering democratic rights to the people in the East. Also we have achieved a huge economic growth. I would like to remind that the terrorists attacked this airport itself at several instances; that labeled themselves as the world most ruthless terrorists are now coming to their knees.
Meanwhile, even before such serious challenges, we have not changed a letter of the Mahinda Chinthana. Please look at the giant leap that we have taken from separation of North and East, to abrogation of Cease-fire agreement, to fighting drugs, to ensuring democracy in the East. Nobody has even thought of taking such serious decisions. Those are the real challenges in the political world.
Whilst facing such challenges we have been able to make Sri Lanka one of the countries with lowest unemployment rate and to maintain an economic growth of approximately 7%. It has been above 6% during that three years. This is the fist time that we had such situation after independence. Please do not underestimate these. We have been able to make the per capita income to 1600 US dollars.
For country that overcoming such challenges this challenge is not too much at all. Therefore, now take up this challenge with the new management. Now , it is you who have the responsibility.
Now, there is no outsider to be blamed if the airline fails before the world. We have to accept both the challenge and the blame.
Sri Lankan Airline must show the pride of our country. But do not make it inaccessible to the common people of the country. Even majority of our people living in rural villages are now becoming aircraft passengers at least for few hours in their lives. The opportunities to overseas travel are so abundant. Hospitality should be equally offered to foreigners and the locals as well. Public servant when using Sri Lankan Airlines should be given special prices. Now we have made it mandatory for public servants to use Sri Lanka Airlines when going aboard. We should give a better service to the people of our own country.
Today when your destiny is given to your own hands, the trade unions too have a vital role to play. Do not think that Trade Unions are only there to win rights for the employees. Those trade Unions that had rally their protests when selling these institutions must have a responsibility to protect them when they are being given back. They should give their support to leverage this airline to one of the best in the world.
This air line is important not only because of the profit , but also it is a part of our nation's pride. It is the best way to carry our flag to the world. It should be a diplomatic service that shows our hospitality to the world. Please fulfill this responsibility.
I wish that I will be able to see a picture of happy employees of a profitable airline looking at their own aircraft soon, instead of a picture of sad employees looking at a outside aircraft arriving at the terminal.
I request you all commit yourselves to lift this airline to a significant position in Asia for the nation for our future generation.
May all of you have bright future!
2008年04月02日(水) |
スリランカからのニュース(2) |
Japan's NTT exits Sri Lanka Telecom by selling its 35% stake to Malaysia's Global Telecom Holdings for $299 million. Japan’s NTT Communications Corp has sold its 35% stake in Sri Lanka Telecom to Global Telecommunications Holdings, a wholly-owned subsidiary of Malaysia's Usaha Tegas, for $299 million.
NTT has sold its entire holding of 635,076,318 shares, representing 35.19% of Sri Lanka Telecom, at a price of SLR50.50 ($0.47) a share totalling SLR32 billion.
Global Telecommunications Holdings, which is a Netherlands-based company will now, under the Sri Lanka Takeover Code, have to make a mandatory offer to the remaining shareholders of SLT. Global’s parent, Usaha Tegas, is a holding company of Ananda Krishnan and also owns a stake in Malaysian telco Maxis.
SLT was Sri Lanka’s first telecommunications company and has an estimated 87% market share of the fixed line network in the country. NTT paid $225 million for a 35% stake in SLT in 1997, one year after it was incorporated as a public limited company. The rest was owned by the government. In 2002 SLT acquired Mobitel, one of the four mobile operators in the country, in which it previously had a 40% stake.
SLT listed in 2002 at which time the majority shareholder, the government of Sri Lanka, sold a 12% stake. Post-IPO the government holds 49.5% and the public 15.3%.
SLT currently has a customer base of 800,000 and provides domestic and international voice, internet and other services to customers. Mobitel currently has 15% share of the mobile market.
NTT is an information and communications technology company which offers internet protocol, web-based, and managed network solutions. Its revenues for the fiscal year ended March 31 2007 were more than $10 billion. NTT said it “will post a special profit of approximately 3.3 billion ($33 million) from the sale of the SLT stake”.
Since its investment, NTT has provided strategic advice to SLT, trained its employees and helped it develop marketing strategy. NTT has also helped develop SLT’s network, information technology and its operating and financial controls and systems.
NTT had indicated in March 2007 that it was in discussions with Global but a deal was then held up by a Fundamental Rights Application filed by a law-maker against the sale of shares. On March 10 2008 Sri Lankan courts ruled that the deal between NTT and Global should be permitted to move forward.
The deal was transacted by two Colombo-based brokerage houses and is the largest ever trade on the Sri Lanka Stock Exchange. SLT shares were trading around SLR40 before the deal was announced and moved up intra-day to SLR48, near the offer price.