This is not the diary of Ms.Yoko Yamashita. If you notice, you will see whom it concern. THE DIARY OF STEWARD


03 Dec.(Mon) 2001 Jocelyn Pook 's "UNTOLD THINGS"

I bought Sylvie Guillem's new DVD and Jocelyn Pook's new CD at TOWER RECORDS,SHIBUYA this evening.
It's been two years since I kept Jocelyn Pook's name in mind. When I saw her name at first, there was on the credit title of "EYES WIDE SHUT ". I was greatly impressed by the beauty of her music in this film. And I got her CD "Flood". Her music reminded me of the words like "exoticism", "paganism" and "medievalism".
I think her music's drone was derived from the European authentic
music. The mixture of European drone and Hindu percussion or Middle Eastern psalm or reversely recording vocal was so stimulative. Strange, it was not unfitting but beautiful. When I listend to "Hell, Fire And Damnation"(from "UNTOLD THINGS"), I felt the tear coming.
"Flood" and her new CD "UNTOLD THINGS"(I suppose this title is brilliant) have never released through Japanese company. Why? I can say with certainty, Japanese likes the music like this.

 ジョスリン・プークの新しいCD"UNTOLD THINGS"を渋谷のタワーレコードで買った。この人は映画「アイズ ワイド シャット」の一部の音楽(大邸宅の秘密パーティーのシーンに流れるものなど)を作曲した人物として知ったが、あとでニック・ケイヴやディス・モートル・コイル、坂本龍一らのレコーディングでストリングスのアレンジや演奏を担当していたことを人から教えられた。前作"Flood"もそうだったが、インドの打楽器が刻むリズムにヨーロッパ中世を想起させるストリングスの響きが乗るところなどがとても面白く、聴いていて気持ちがよい。ジャケットのデザインも前作、新作ともにとても美しい。

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