2008年07月11日(金)   欠点なんて気にならないくらい好きだということ

"Breathing Lessons"、面白いです。

Maggie と Ira の馴れ初めのあたりの話がすごくよかった。
そんなの気にならないくらい Maggie が好きな Ira の気持ちがわかる。




■Breathing Lessonsの単語
commiserate 哀れむ
※"They commiserated with each other"
vestibule 玄関(ホール)、前庭
frivolous つまらない、浅はかな
impenetrable 突き通せない、入り込めない
het up がっかりした、怒った
processional 行列の
recessional 〔礼拝後の〕退場(の曲[歌])
gait 歩き方
boast 誇る
sway 惑わす
nook 人目に付かない所、部屋の片隅
permutation 順列、置換

She felt she was almost boasting, that she'd made a kind of proclamation. If she ws easily swayed, she thought, at least she had chosen who would sway her. If she was locked in a pattern, at least she had chosen what that pattern would be.

I should write something in English.


There are many methods to learn English, most of which I tried but couldn't carry on.
The only activity I keep doing is reading.

Specially, reading on the tube doesn't bother me. I find it fun and sometimes I look forward to going to work because I can read on the way.

Of course I may read at my home but I don't read much. I have a lot of things to do.

At the end of the day, there is no distraction underground and I can focus on books.


Wow, I haven't done anything today! Happy Friday!


I'm going to take an English lesson next week.
It is a company-organized lesson and it targets intermediate learners whose TOEIC score is between 500 to 700.
My score is more than 700 but I've decided to join.
I'm not sure if it works or not.

Today I received a quiz to check our level.
It was a bit difficult for me.
I expect the lesson would be effective for me.


I found an interesting site, "Project GutenBerg."
There are many free books!

Today I downloaded "The Scarlet Pimpernel" and "Dracula."

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