2007年12月05日(水) |
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Aspen: U.S. women eager to tackle DH track The women’s World Cup stays in North America this week as the ski racers head to the snowy resort town of Aspen, Colorado, where the downhill will be part of the program for the first time since 1988. The women will begin training runs Dec. 5 and 6, then race downhill on Friday, super G on Saturday and slalom on Sunday. - SkiRacing.com
Paerson named athlete of the year Triple World Championship gold medallist Anja Paerson is named Sweden's athlete of the year. The 26-year-old, who won the super-G, downhill and combined on home soil in Are in February as well as the slalom bronze, is the first person to win the award twice in a row. - Eurosport.yahoo.com
Albrecht Sieger der Mini-WM im Ski-Weltcup Die so genannte Mini-WM in Beaver Creek (USA) hat die Herren rund eine Woche lang in Anspruch genommen und tragt ihren Namen damit zurecht. Auf der legendaren 'Birds of Prey' ging vor allem Daniel Albrecht als Sieger aus den vier Rennen hervor. - Ski2b.com
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