2007年12月06日(木) |
Olympic champion Deneriaz retires
Olympic champion Deneriaz retires Olympic downhill champion Antoine Deneriaz announces he is retiring from Alpine skiing. - Eurosport.yahoo.com
Olympiasieger Deneriaz tritt zuruck Olympiasieger Antoine Deneriaz kehrt dem alpinen Ski-Rennsport nach einem frustrierenden Saisonbeginn mit sofortiger Wirkung den Rucken. "Ich habe beschlossen, meine Laufbahn zu beenden", sagte er am Mittwoch auf einer Pressekonferenz. Vor knapp drei Wochen hatte Deneriaz noch betont, er fuhle sich in guter Verfassung und bereit, "aufs Siegertreppchen zu fahren". - Ski2b.com
Aamodt's medals returned The 19 Olympic and world championship medals that were stolen from Norwegian star Kjetil Andre Aamodt are returned four years after their theft. - Eurosport.yahoo.com
The Eagles Long Road Out of Eden >>> Eagles | eaglesband.com
Cardinals release veteran Taguchi The Cardinals released outfielder So Taguchi on Wednesday, thus opening up a spot on the 40-man roster for a potential selection in the Rule 5 Draft on Thursday. Taguchi, 38, who became a fan favorite, batted .283 in six seasons with the Cardinals. - MLB.com
Iguchi becomes a top target for Rox Tadahito Iguchi has risen to the top of the list of free-agent targets for the Rockies' second-base job, but the team insists that it is comfortable with in-house candidates. - MLB.com
Pursuit of Iguchi may be fruitless Tadahito Iguchi's unique contract situation may have ended the Phillies' pursuit of the free-agent infielder before it could begin. - MLB.com
Bonds wants to play in 2008 Despite profound legal troubles and a pending arraignment on Friday in a San Francisco federal court, former Giants slugger and current free agent Barry Bonds still intends to play the 2008 season, his agent told MLB.com on Wednesday - MLB.com
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