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リンクフリー、辞めてもいい?(苦笑) | ||
Yahoo!BBの顧客情報流出、緊急記者会見での一問一答 ヤフーBB加入者情報、海外ルートで流出か ヤフーBB、470万人分情報流出…恐喝未遂で男逮捕 【ヒロスエ】ヤフー解約祭りPart6【ガバガバ】 はあ。これでもう完全にダメぽっぽいな。今日はニュース速報見たくない。 最近のソフトバンクって、客観的に見てもすごく頑張っていたのにね。 かわいそうに。だが他人事じゃないからなあ。 明るい話題はこれだけか。 やっぱりヤフーは鬼門だったね。でも食い扶持を無くさないようにがんばらないと。 オウムの番組を見ながら、とりあえずおでんを食べる。 人間はここまで狂えるのか。 ヨーロッパ産の葉巻は、美味そうだね。 戦争孤児が徴兵され、ロシア赤軍を引退後に ピエロとなって子供を笑わせる人生に身を費やす。 ビリージョエルの87年のソ連ツアーの経験から生まれた傑作。 何度もライブに足を運んだという道化師ヴィクターの半生(実話)を 素晴らしいバラードに昇華させた。 44年生まれのヴィクターと49年生まれの僕。 2人の人生を対比させながら、国境を越えた友情を歌う。 「レニングラード(現サンクトペテルスブルグ)に来るまで 真の友達というものをまるで知らなかった」 時間がある時に訳は書きます。 Leningrad/Billy Joel Storm Front Released: 1989 Viktor was born in the spring of '44 And never saw his father anymore A child of sacrifice, a child of war Another son who never had a father after Leningrad Went off to school and learned to serve the state Followed the rules and drank his vodka straight The only way to live was drown the hate A Russian life was very sad And such was life in Leningrad I was born in '49 A cold war kid in McCarthy time Stop 'em all at the 38th Parallel Blast those yellow reds to hell And cold war kids were hard to kill Under their desks in an air raid drill Haven't they heard we won the war What do they keep on fighting for? Viktor was sent to some Red Army town Served out his time, became a circus clown The greatest happiness he'd ever found Was making Russian children glad And children lived in Leningrad But children lived in Levittown And hid in the shelters underground Until the Soviets turned their ships around And tore the Cuban missiles down And in that bright October sun We knew our childhood days were done And I watched my friends go off to war What do they keep on fighting for? And so my child and I came to this place To meet him eye to eye and face to face He made my daughter laugh, then we embraced We never knew what friends we had Until we came to Leningrad ふみひこ