2009年02月17日(火) ■ |
いろいろ |
■あっ 『SEMINAR』、上演台本もスズカツさんだー。楽しみだー
■土曜日に青山をうろうろしていて思い出した 数年前迄フルラの上の階ってカフェがあって(今はヨガスタジオか何かになってる)、そこの店員さんはモデルさんみたいにほそーくて綺麗な欧州出身ぽいひとで固められていて、日本語が殆ど通じず、オーダーしたものが半分くらい間違って出てくる。なのでデンジャーなカフェと呼んでいた。 間違って来たものもおいしいものばかりだったので、それはそれで面白くて「今日は何が来るかなあ」なんて言っていたものでした。またあのスリルを味わいたいのだが、もうないんだよねー
■そうやって名前をうろ憶えなまま好き勝手呼んでいるお店 ・ざんねんなこばやしたけしのカフェ ・おーもりくんとこ ・ねこんとこのとなりのパン屋さん ・ねこんとこ これを機に名前を憶えようと思う。がきっとすぐ忘れる
■そんで 引っ越ししたネコのシタんとこにお菓子を買いに行きました。おお大通りに面したところだよ!ビックリした! 当日だったからか、チョコレート類には全てバレンタイン用のリボンとシールが貼ってあった。 ちなみにネコのシタはこれ
■青山と言えば コムデギャルソンの角から入ってしばらく歩いたとこにあるどっかの企業の寮みたいなところがねこだまりになっていて、いつも2〜3匹見られるんだが、この日は6匹いた。木とか登ってた
■わーい 飯島奈美さんの『LIFE』が書籍化されるよ!
■わざわざ言う辺り 『A note from Trent and a wave goodbye』
2.16.09: A note from Trent and a wave goodbye Towards the beginning of my career in Nine Inch Nails, our biggest break came in the form of an invitation to perform a series of shows with Jane's Addiction. These performances essentially created and defined the term "alternative" rock in the US, created an ongoing festival franchise that is still thriving (Lollapalooza), set the stage for Nirvana to shift popular taste a few months later, and were really fucking FUN to play and attend - truly the best times I've had. The shows were epic. So epic, they propelled NIN to the "next level" (whatever that means), but caused Jane's to implode. The band broke up at the end of that tour.
Fast forward to the present. Corporate rock STILL sucks. A friend tells me they saw the original Jane's lineup play a tiny show in LA that was unbelievable. I break out my Jane's records and am amazed by how vital they sound. These guys were the real deal and in this current climate mostly dominated by poseurs and pussies it was refreshing to hear something that sounded dangerous, volatile, beautiful and SINCERE. Emails were sent, phone calls were made, dinner was arranged, ideas were discussed and the next thing I know we're in the studio experimenting. We laugh, we get to know each other, we cry, we yell, we almost quit, we record LOTS of guitar solos, we discuss, we actually begin to all communicate, we yell some more, we become FRIENDS, we laugh again and we do some great things. I get to see first hand why they broke up all those years ago but I also get the chance to see four distinct personalities that become an INCREDIBLE band when they're in the same room.
In NIN world, 2009 marks the 20th anniversary of our first releases. I've been thinking for some time now it's time to make NIN disappear for a while. Last year's "Lights in the Sky" tour was something I'm quite proud of and seems like the culmination of what I could pull off in terms of an elaborate production. It was also quite difficult to pull off technically and physically night after night and left us all a bit dazed. After some thought, we decided to book a last run of shows across the globe this year. The approach to these shows is quite different from last year - much more raw, spontaneous and less scripted. Fun for us and a different way for you to see us and wave goodbye. I reached out to Jane's to see if they'd want to join us across the US and we all felt it could be a great thing. Will it work? Will it resonate in the marketplace? Who knows. Are there big record label marketing dollars to convince you to attend? Nope. Does it feel right to us and does it seem like it will be fun for us and you? Yes it does. Look for tour dates soon and I hope to see you out there.
まった判りづらい言い回しを…いろいろ振り返ってるし。そもそもジェーンズが再結成するってのも、なあ……(もう何度目か数える気にもならん)いや、新しいものが聴けるならそれは嬉しいけど。 NINはこれ迄なんも言わんと4年とか5年空いてたりした訳ですし。自分からお知らせ出来る環境、心境になれてるってのもいいことではないかと。含みがあるので、10年とか空いてもビックリはしないですよ…まあ20年でもいいよ……。 トレント個人では、音楽に携わることは辞めないだろうし。 しかしこのニュアンスだと来日公演も有り得ますな。最後になるかどうかはともかく、楽しみにしておこう