2003年10月07日(火) |
we look what we want to |
教室を間違えてしまったみなさん、 こんばんは。
ごくごく平凡に過ごした一日ほど書くことに困ります。 この至極平凡な一日と言うのが一番大事なんだ、とは知っているつもりですが。
心友の心持ちがかなり軽くなってきたようで、ほっとしています。 会ってないのでどれだけ回復したかは分かりませんが。 彼女が《ドン底》に叩き落されたのを知ってから4日しか経ってませんが、 これが長いか短いかを知るのは彼女だけでしょう。
いいヤツなんです、彼女は。本当に。俺なんかと違って。 でも自分のことを悪く言うんです。 全く‥‥。 俺のコト分かってるくせに、迷惑かけただの傷つけただのありがとうだのと、 泣いたり笑ったり怒ったりと忙しいヤツです。 いい人じゃないです、彼女は人がいいんです、はっきり言って馬鹿です。 馬鹿ですが、歓迎されるべき馬鹿です。 同類の馬鹿が言うんだから、そうなんです。 ただ違うのは、俺は更なる馬鹿になることを目指しているってことでしょう。 他人の手助けなんて、馬鹿じゃなきゃやってられませんから。
To whom got a wrong classroom, good evening.
It took me a long time to write down this diary today, because there was nothing special on me. But I believe these normal days are the most valuable in my life.
I'm being relaxed, because she (on this diary these days) is getting relaxed as well. But we haven't seen each other for long, so actually I don't know how much she is healed. It's been 4 days since she knows despair. She is the only one who knows whether these 4 days are long or not.
She is great, really. Much better than me. But she says she is bad. No way.... She says she hurts me and she appreciates me, even though she knows who I am, that's why she looks busy so much to me and what I didn't know. She is not just the man. She is too great to be called the man, but not much to be crazy. She looks a strange fool who's gotta be welcome. I believe I'm right, because I know I've been the same kind of fool as well for as long as she's been. But the diffrence between us is I be wishing to be 'crazy' to be for my mates more, but she doesn't look so. Because I believe being fool or crazy is the only one how to help others in this world.