C'est la vie
2003年10月24日(金) ■ |
Reunion party♪ |
I'm going to have a party tomorrow. It's REUNION!!!!!!! Homecoming!!!!!!!!!! Yea!! I can meet my old friends. Today, I don't have power anymore to write. Good night.
2003年10月23日(木) ■ |
I can't get you off my mind!! |
I've been thinking about him all the time today. What a hell is going on!? It seems like I'm falling in love with him. No no no no!!!! Not yet. I know it's not love. Just I can't get him off my mind because......oh, I can't take it. Why I am sooooo naive? I checked my cell phone many times. Oh, I shouldn't do that. I have to behave like I don't care about him and I am a boss in this relationship. I have many things to do!!!!!! If I didn't do that, I won't be able to go to the State next year. I lose my ticket!!!!!! But anyway, I think I'm very lucky because I can have English lesson for free from him. He is an American from east coast. Thats sounds cool, isn't it? I feel like I am flying the sky high. oh, what a stupid I am. Stop it!!!! Don't think about him for a while, OK??
2003年10月22日(水) ■ |
On Saturday!!!! |
He called me today. and actually he didn't ask me out but I asked him out!! Because he looked that he wanted to ask me to go out with him. He said what will you do on weekend usally? or I haveno plan this friday or something like that. Anyway, I'm going out with him on next Saturday after his work. He is really cute like small animal. I'm looking forward to seeing him. I haven't dated with someone for a long time. Wow, I'm excited!!
2003年10月12日(日) ■ |
I got a cold |
My family, all of them got cold this week. That's really terrbile. We had sore throught, running nose,cough...... thanks to it, I couldn't go out tonight for drink with my friends. My weekend is going to be not nice. Ok, I'll stay at home and study. Oh, my german friend emailed me after a long time. He visited me in August this year. We travelled many places together. That was realy fun. He said he's going to study Chinese studies in his unversity. That's great. China is definitely growing up. He might be right. Well, I have to sleep. Sweet dreams, my dear.
2003年10月11日(土) ■ |
Go! Let's go LOVE BITCH!! |
I got a call from my good boy friend. He lives in Tokyo now. I talked him about my love life recentry. And he said "don't hurry up". You have to behave that you don't care about him seriously. All men in the world is hunters. If you show your interests so much, you'll be his air. But if you behave proudly yourself, you'll be a special girl of him. He is right. Unblievable. He is a man. He knows men very well. Then, he said "When the guy calls you, you don't have to answer it anytime. Sometimes don't, sometimes do. But don't forget that you call him back if you had a call from him. It means you're interested in him. Don't be exciting all alone." Wow, wow wow!!!!!! Yes, that's why I made many mistakes. Now I know. I understood. Ok, come on baby. ;)
2003年10月10日(金) ■ |
The Sweetest Thing |
Yea, he called me today. I was with my friend and having dinner. He knew it because my friend said to him she's going to meet me for dinner tonight. Wow, I'm sooooo happy. I know I am stupid. I haven't talked with him a lot yet, known him very well. But this might be something. I hope so. Recently I don't have good relationship. The last one was really terrble guy from Germany. I really hope he is not such kind of guy. Anyway, I have to go out with him soon and I want to talk with him and know about him. Wish me luck.
2003年10月05日(日) ■ |
Call me tomorrow. |
I had a party yesterday. There are many Japanese people and American people. One of them, a guy asked me my number!!! And!! His age is near my age!!! He is cute and very nice guy. The party was a kind company party so there are also many co-workers of him. Then he said me " Sorry that I can't dance with you tonight, because I have no privacy here. But defenitely I'll call you tomorrow." I totaly got wasted but I remenber that. This is the most unbelivable part of the night. Then I said "Ok, call me tomorrow." It's like I whisperd to his ear. AND!!! I gave him kiss on his cheek. Oh, my got.... I can't believe what I did. Today, he called me. I thought he never call me but He called me. Yea!! I hope it works out, finaly. Thank God.
2003年10月01日(水) ■ |
Granny came to us. |
It has been awhile. My granny in Fukuoka called us and told "Hi dear, I now desided to go to your place tomorrow. Could you pick me up at the station near your house?" What a hell is that? It's too sudden!!!!! Fortunately, I had a day off today, then I picked her up at the station. Anyway, I guess she feels very lonesome because my grand-pa just passed away because of lung cancer in this July. No wonder, her too sudden trip. ok, I have to work on my thesis today. I have a presentation tomorrow. Oh,,,, I'm soooooooo sleepy.