2007年11月25日(日) |
I need your advice.
I need your advice. I'm going crazy at work. Could you advice me on something?
For some reason, I'm not getting along with my co-worker. My job is interesting, but the boss keeps harassing me.
Sorry to bother you with my troubles. I hope you don't mind reading this.
【骨髄バンクにご理解・ご協力を】 骨髄移植推進財団(骨髄バンク) にいがた・骨髄バンクを育てる会
健康な人の善意に頼るほかない骨髄バンクの活動。 善意の輪が広がっていくことを願っている。
きゅっ。の日記(フルブラウザ) きゅっ。の日記(モバイル)
Hudec wins Downhill at Lake Louise Canada's Jan Hudec wins the Men's Downhill at the Lake Louise World Cup event with a time of 1 min 42.79 secs. American Marco Sullivan comes second +.24, and Austrian Andreas Buder is third +.34 off the leader.
Karbon wins Giant Slalom Italian Denis Karbon wins Women's World Cup Giant Slaom event at Panorama, Canda, with a combined time of 2:42.7. Austria's Elisabeth Goergl comes second and Italy's Manuela Moelgg finishes third.