ろさんじぇるす日記 takie 【MAIL】
05/16/03 旅行記のグランドキャニオン(南と北)、フォーコーナーズ、ニューメキシコ州(北部と中部タオス、サンタフェ、アルバカーキー)
04/27/03 写真館の1997アメリカ横断の旅
04/27/03 旅行記の1997アメリカ横断の旅
04/02/03 033103 Poppy field forever ケシの花
03/31/03 032103 anti-war/戦争反対デモ
03/15/03 生活のハンバーガー部門を
- 2005年11月20日(日) ロサンジェルスで習ったこと =Saying "thank you"=
When i was in LA, I learned saying "Thank you." Culture difference between Japan and the States, I think that it is better saying thank you, even when i speak japanese.
one day, i made a reservation for a rent-a-car for the summer vacation. when i picked it up, the clark said that they could not have a car what i requested type, therefore, i could pick up any type of car with as same rate for the reqested type. i requested an economy type, however we had mini van.
we really enjoyed the summer vacation and when i returned the mini van, i told a clark "when i picked up a car, you don't have exact car type what i requested, but we took your offer. then we indeed enjoyed vacation. thank you very much."
he frowned when i started, but he smiled after i said we indeed enjoyed vacation.
thank you is a magic word.
- 2005年11月19日(土) ロサンジェルスの友達 =a buddy in LA=
- 2005年11月15日(火) 信じよう! =can i believe in me?=
well, it's been 2 years and 4 months since i came back from Los Angeles. and i turned 37 years old. i always challenge in my life. i went to USA by myself, therefore, i had good experience because i had to do whatever i needed. i took a some of ESL courses, but each class was pretty tough. before i came back japan, i could not finish my academic goal, nor build my career. but my experience was invaluable, i believed.
Yet, i have still sought job as an official staff (正社員), even though i started to work as a dispatched employee (派遣社員).
and then, some of my bosses said that "you must be a fast tracker (エリート)." i thought that they did not know real management, though they held a title. it did not make sence for me. "you are elder than me (manager)."
for me, all doors close, no another door opens for me