2005ǯ11·î04Æü(¶â)¡¡I need him
I don't wanna call his name
I just call him "S"
He is cutter
but...I can't do anything for him
He told me he wants to be there for me
But he never let me be there for him
I told him I really like you
He told me he really likes me
I told him I like you more than you like me
he told me it's not true
he told me he likes me more
I told him you don't know how I like you
he told me I don't know how he likes me
he told me he likes me more than sister or friend
But I can't be there for him
He never let me
Maybe I like him more than just good friend
Maybe he really likes me
But we can't like each other
we are not allowed to like each other
'Cause I am exchange student
I will stay here only for 10 months
10 months 10 months 10 months 10 months 10 months 10 months 10 months
It's too short
kotobadakeja tarinaiyo
dakisimetekureru udeno atatakasani
tokidoki hontoni nakisouninaru
demo daremosiranai
minna atashi to anataha kyoudaimitaidane tte
atashitatiha kyoudainankajanai
We must not be known our chemistry
No one knows
I wish someone would know about us
My friend told me he said he needs me
But I don't know if I can trust you
But I need you
photo by nezi-shiki