2006年06月20日(火) ■ |
神宮野球観戦(交流戦) |
〓〓〓 BOOK
『Maggie Sweet』/Judith Minthorn Stacy (著) 価格: ¥1,553 (税込) ユーズド価格:¥909+送料¥340=¥1,249(新品) (Illinois, USA・World Books) ペーパーバック: 224 p ; 出版社: Perennial ; ISBN: 0060538007 ; Reprint 版 (2004/04) Book Description "Last night at supper my husband announced that he had taken our entire life savings and spent it on a family cemetery plot."
Maggie Sweet has had enough. For nearly nineteen years, she's kept house, lived with her husband Steven's frugal weekly menus and dour taste in home decorating, and humored his humorless mother. Now, at thirty-eight, she's nearly finished raising her twin daughters and wants to begin her long-deferred career as a hairstylist. But Steven won't hear of it. It seems as if everyone else has learned how to live. while Maggie has only learned where she's going to end up after she dies.
To make matters worse, Maggie's twenty-year high school reunion is Just around the corner and her long-lost high school boyfriend is back in town. It's not easy for Maggie to sort out her feelings, however, when she has to contend with rampant small-town gossip, surly daughters, and a grandmother who's made it her life's work to keep an eve on Maggie. If only she could see into the future, there is the hope of a second chance at life. In this tender and funny story about friendship, self-worth, family, and unbreakable ties, Maggie Sweet discovers that she has the strength to be her own woman.
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