2003年06月29日(日) |
オーストラリアの友人から♪ |
Dear Yukio,
Thank you so much for the wonderful mail I received last week. I am also sorry for not finding the time to talk more often. Today is a very special day my friend,the 28th June, I hope you have a very happy birthday with all our love and best wishes. I think about you all the time my friend and unfortunately I have not been away on a trip at all this year. We lost our invitation to the Tour de Korea and an eastern states team from Australia went instead and had a good result with 3rd place overall. I have been racing pretty well and got 10th place overall in the Tour de Perth which is a nationally ranked tour. I finished 4th on the last criterium and was happy with my result. At the moment I am only riding to work and back and doing one good ride a week. This seems to keep me pretty healthy and I also get to spend more time with the family. Thank you for the photo's you sent, I can't believe how fast Yuuya is growing before my eyes. Congratulate him from me for his beautiful trophy. I'm sure seeing your son compete and get a prize is very fullfilling, hopefully Alex will have that competitive spirit to enjoy many sporting activities as well. I am glad to hear that your business is going very well. I know personally my friend that you sure can fix any aliment to do with the body. I wish I was close to you so you could sort these old bones out for me. Latley I seem to have alot of pain with my lower back and it is very consistent. It does not take much to make it worse, so I have to be very careful. I am sorry to hear that you have not got any fishing trips planned. I am sure the anticipation of the catch will get you motivated to organise a trip somewhere nice. I have only fished a couple of time myself this year, the last time I went with my daughter and we caught a few small silver brim which weren't even big enough to eat so we threw then back. I know in my heart my friend that one day, no matter how many times we tell each other, we will share the joys of fishing together. I am looking forward to that day very much. September is my next goal for racing. the Australian championships are on from the 9th to 12th September and I am going to race in the 35-40 years age group. I know in my head I have to work very hard over the next couple of months but I am sure I can go well. The race is being held in Queensland at a place called Mooloolabah a one hour drive from Brisbane, and I am taking over the family as Kathy is from Brisbane and we can catch up with some family and friends as well while we are there. I am really looking forward to this holiday as I haven't had a break from work for more than a year. There is a time trial, a road race and a criterium, so there is the possibility of winning 3 Australian Titles. That is a good goal don't you think!
I hope this mail finds you and your family safe and well, I'm sure it will. I've attached some recent photo's of Alex and I'm sure you will agree on how fast he is growing also. Everytime I open my eyes he seems to be taller. I also took some photo's of me at my work so you can see the bike shop.
Take care my friend. Friends for Life Steve