忘年会 - 2006年12月28日(木) を急遽研究室の人達とした。 飲んで飯食って少しだけカラオケへ。 非常に稀ながら高い声が割りと出たので、 COLDPLAYとか歌った。 How long before I get in Before it starts before I begin How long before you decide Before you/I know what it feels like Where to where do I go If you never try then you'll never know How long do I have to climb Up on the side of this mountain of mine Look up I look up at night Planets are moving at the speed of light Climb up up in the trees Every chance you get is a chance you seize How long am I gonna stand With my head stuck under the sand I'll start before I can stop Before I see things the right way up All that noise and all that sound All those places I got found And birds go flying at the speed of sound To show you how it all began Birds came flying from the underground If you could see it then you'd understand 〜 All those signs I knew what they meant Some things you can't invent Some get made and some get sent oh oh And birds go flying at the speed of sound To show you how it all began Birds came flying from the underground If you could see it then you'd understand Ah when you see it then you'll understand よいね〜この曲。抽象的だけど。 ぎりぎり終電で帰って、ラウンジで明け方までぐだぐだ3次会。 さて、年末ですが、明日と明後日もうひとふんばりするぞ〜! ...