
2003年04月09日(水) Soliloquy

Recently, it is fearful night and that I sleep.

It is because "it sometimes thinks that it cannot occur as it is ..." when I start giddiness in many cases daytime and it sleeps.

Recently, if I am alone, I will become uneasy.

"It may become last thing about this world as it is, without being noticed by whom..." If it thinks so, nothing will be attached to a hand but it will merely be petrified.

In the state of understanding nothing, you have to pass the time of as it is.

Present I am not so strong as it can fight with the uneasiness.

When old himself's life must be regazed at now, it may not be...

A day rises again tomorrow. And a day sinks.

 < 昔話(´Д`)  目次  未来日記(違 >

Lucifer=Lineheart [MAIL]