Title...ハッピィ*デイズ By...あみ      

who has read my BLOG? (English)
It feels a bit awkward!!
I knew they read my personal blog,
even though I go out of my way to not tell most of them about it.
I blogged about the risks of blogging when they read my blog.

I use my online blog as a diary, because people will read it,
it makes me pull myself back to analyse and think about the events.
But as a lot of my blogs are venting about people in real life,
I do NOT want my family and coworkers to find it.
I don't want to create awkward situations in real life.

Generally speaking, many personal bloggers probably
want to blog about people they know in person,
without having those people find out about the blog.
Many people consider diaries to be personal,
and a personal diary should be personal,
so it does make sense if one wants to hide the diary
from offline people, or at least from the people
who are mentioned in such diaries.

Moreover, the another issue is probably this:
I am not as close to my real life as I would like to be.
Online is a place where people can judge you by your
thoughts and text, not your clothing, figure, what you own.
It can be very hard to be myself everywhere,
And be transparent to the online people, at the same time,
hide or keep things private from the offline people.

I like to keep my privacy, but at the same time,
I think online privacy is just a pipe dream.
It's pretty hard to erase anything you write on the internet.
I would be worried that people could delve into other areas
of my personal life if they really wanted to make trouble.
So I don't write something negative and a critical entry,
be very careful not to defame people in my blog.

But how do I control who can view my blog?
I'm afraid the only way to blog safely
is not blogging at all...right?

>>English Here
>>这 边 中文版


Photo by sorairo
Arranged by Ami