Title...ハッピィ*デイズ By...あみ      

Happy Father's Day! (English)
Happy Father’s Day to all the fathers!
In case you forgot- Father’s Day is today.
Maybe in most countries June 21th is Father's Day this year.

It's still not too late.
If you are still living with your parents,
enjoy time with your family and tell your father
how much you appreciate, honor and respect.

Be sure to call the Dad today if you are no longer
living at home and tell him how you are doing,
let him know how much he means to you!
Maybe there's things you need to say.
Maybe there's a letter you need to write, an email to send.

I want to honor all the fathers.
Fathers are an essential role model to his children.
Days like today make him proud to be a parent.

I'm really grateful this Father's Day
that it is only fitting to do a post about my Dad.
It is a good opportunity to express thanks to my Dad
for all his unconditional love and affection.

He is strict but made great efforts to bring me up.
I am the oldest daughter and when I was younger
my Dad let me go everywhere with my family.
Come to think of it I believe he is the reason
I am such a... LOL

I'm also grateful that he was able to teach me,
often by example, about the importance of enjoying life.

I know I am very rude at times but
thank you for always encouraging me to work hard.
Keep up the great work and hang in there,
don't worry about anything over here.
I am always thinking and praying for the best.

I wish I could spend this Father's Day with you.
Take care always.

Well, just thanks.

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>>这 边 中文版


Photo by sorairo
Arranged by Ami