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2004年08月17日(火)[How can I say ?




Recently, I'm in so strange situation.
I'm the youngest in my family but I have younger brothers in USA.
And they are Korean!

I don't care about that, but one of them calls me every day.
He seems to ask me to understand himself.
But I can't understand what he wants to say.
I don't know whether he wants to look for a just friend or not.
If he wanted to look for a girlfriend, I afraid I can't meet it.
Otherwise as a just friend, I can.
However, I can't interpret it.
Because he doesn't make clear anything.

This is my private opinion, but Korean guys are so difficult people.
Sometimes they seem to be impolite. Because they give up to explain their feelings.
And they sneak away their niche.
They don't make an effort about telling their feelings.

I think that they are so shy.
They are frank and friendly outwardly, but besically they are so shy.
Indeed, they are so difficult to understand.

I like "CLEAR and SIMPLE".
And I'm not so smart to understand a person without words and talking each other.
But they wants somebody to understand themselves without words.
It is impossible!!
I can never understand anyone without words.

I really want him to stop the behavior like that. He is not a school kid anymore!
I don't take care of my brother who is over 20!!(>_<)


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