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NY, NY11 - 2002年01月10日(木) 今日は日中はSohoをうろうろ。 可愛い店多いけど、高いねえ。 小物をちょこちょこと買って、ブラウスとシャツを買って。 シャツはものすごくつぼだった。 鯉の絵と「勝手が違う」って言葉がプリントしてあるの。 私こういうの好き。 でも、やなことも。 通りで海賊版CD売ってる露店をちらっとのぞいたら、 いきなりそこのおじじが 「おまえら白人じゃないだろ!売らないぞ!」みたいなこと言ってきて、 「中国人だろう!」 not white, not whiteってオウムかおまえは。ちなみに中国人じゃないよ、 アジア人はみな中国出身かいおめでてえな。あんたの頭の中身が。 別に買う気も無かったし、去りましたけどね。腹の中ではもーむかついて。 とりあえず罵倒しときました "shut the fXXX up, you racist!" あくまで腹の中でね。 ま、そーいう国ですし。東ですし。 生まれて初めてというわけでもないので怒れるだけでそうショックはうけなかった。これも慣れですか?慣れってほど受けても無いけど。 あーかいてたらまたむかついてきた。血が上りやすいなあ自分。 気を取り直してRENTへ。Lottery落ちたのでTktで券かって見る。 やはり何回見ても飽きがこない。しあわせ。 ... NY, NY10 - 2002年01月09日(水) 朝起きてからGuggenheim Museumへ。 感想。ごめん、あんまり好きじゃない。というか常設少なすぎ。 カンディンスキーは?クレーはどこ?確かに建築的には面白いけど、見難いよ! Rockwellは個人的に好きだったので楽しみましたが。 TimeOutには財政難と書いてあったけど、そのせいなのかな。 とにかく予想外に3時間くらいで見終わってしまった。 というわけでFrick Museumへ急遽向かう。 これはすごくいい!お勧め。展示の仕方がまた良いです。 小さな美術館だけど、ゆっくり見れば1日つかえそう。 解説も詳しいし、すごく素敵です。 bostonのイザベラ・スチュワート・ガードナー美術館と似た感じ。 あちらが好きな人は好きだと思う。 こういう個人の邸宅のままという美術館が小ぶりではすき。 Whitslerが個人的にはすごく好きでした。El Grecoも、本当はそう好きではないのだけど、ここにあったPurication of the templeはなかなかに好み。 やっぱり私はModernよりもこういった絵がすきらしい。 3時ごろにTimesSquareに戻ってProducersの立ち見券をゲットするために並ぶ。 3時間まち。 どんどん冷え込む、風が吹き付ける屋外、感覚をなくす手足。 後ろの女の子と、後退でコーヒーを買いに行ったり周りの人と励ましあいながら 頑張る。 しかし、立ち見が発売される6時になっても一向に発売されない。 どうやらキャンセルがですぎ、キャンセルが売り切れないと立ち見は売り出せないらしい。 いいかげん我慢も切れてきて殺気立つ私たち。 やっと買えたころには6時40分、はああ。 あきこと夕飯をChinaTownに行こうといっていたのだが、あきらめて近場で済ます。 あきこはHiroという日本人の男の子と知り合ったらしい、というのも、彼は英語がしゃべれず立ち往生していて(しかも独り旅)助けてあげたんだそうな。 ということでHiroくんも加わって夕食。 でもねー、英語しゃべれないで海外一人旅(しかも初めて)はまずいと思うぞ。 お姉さん的には(彼は高校生)。 で、Producersをみる。面白い。RENTほど心に迫るものではないけど、古い感じに面白いPlayでした。 役者うまい。 立見席は、下手な席よりもいいので、交換したがる人続出。 でも誰も交換しない。まあ、ね。 で、大満足で帰る途中、水を買いにドラックストアによったら、変なお兄さんがついて出てきた。 いや、NYにきてからこっち、通りすがりに男に「Hi」とか言われたりするのは慣れてたんだけど。(時々おまけしてくれたりするしラッキー) さすがについてこられたのは初めてで怖かったー。 「電話番号知りたくない?」とかいってついてくんの。 「いいえ、全然!」つってるのに。 小走りから最後は本格的にはしった。だってホテルまでこられたくないし。 「足速すぎるよ!」とかいってたけど無視無視虫。 さすがに真夜中だったし、ちょっとビビった。 ... NY, NY9 - 2002年01月08日(火) today, Akiko came back from Canada. she first got the room aith crazy old lady, so she just exchanged the room and make it to our room. then we went MET. I finish seeing all the place. i talked with securty person. his name is MArio, and knew a lot of political staff. at last, i was so tired that i took a nap at great hall... on the bench! at night, we went to see Phantom of the opera! it was the very center of the first row. the show also was great... in classical way. but i do ot like the ending so much. anyway, the songs were so nice. ... NY, NY8 - 2002年01月07日(月) Moma was not that Big that I had imagined. well, its under reconstruction, and come of the major exhibition is in strage, the staff told me so. so i couldn't see STARY NIGHT...... sad. Gyros was really delicious, so did Knish. I love those YATAI staffs. i went to get 20 bucks ticket to the RENT again. joel and I were lose, but i got one remaining ticket from the pther girl. she happend to be the CAL student! and what was more, the seat was the very cetre of the 2nd row! how nice! after the lottery, Joel and i killed tome in the lobby. Surprisingly, he had watched the show over 800 times! he said he have been coming to see the show for over 6years. his neighbour also play a role in the show. he was Kaomishiri with the casts, and also staffs! the show was really nice! i think i gotta come back once, while this stay. ... NY, NY7 - 2002年01月06日(日) i got up at 8, going to the Lion King to get standing room. waiting for 2 hours was really freezing. however, i spent times chatting people around me, so it is not that bad. we exchange a lot of information about the musicals! still there seems alot to see.... at last, i can get the standing room behind Orchestra, wow! Lion King, it was not that good as i imagined, but the costumes, stages, arets and effects are surelly good. then i went to see Beauty and the Beast. I likd this better than Lion King. well, sonstructed, really enjoyable! i love Lumierre(??), the candle guy. then i went back to the doem, chatting with my room mate. Lesly was not that mean, she just couldn"t get along with Heather. so now she turned out to be really kind. sje gave me a lot of information and she shows me accessaries that she is making. we also went down to the Lounge, where i met horny middle aged man. sucks! ... NY, NY6 - 2002年01月05日(土) I overslept and got up around 10... after seeing off Heather, i went to try lottery of te RENT again. there, i met a man who is from London.(forget the name) i talked to him and both of us could get the ticket. he saw a lot of musicals, so he told me a lot of useful information. RENT was really great! I had same moving feelings the same as i got when i first saw Les Miz. im sure i would be back there in a few dayz. well, we promised we gonna bady on monday. i wanna see RENT at leaset twice more! after seeing RENT, i went to PRODUCERS to get standing room. however, the ticket sold out just before me! gosh....... i dont wanna pay 100 bucks for the cancelling ticket! i may try it later. ... NY. NY5 - 2002年01月04日(金) on the way to the MET, i found Rockfeller ctr and Kinokuni-Ya. i prefer hunging around on foot when i am alone. i really love to do it. Walkig is my pleasure especially foregin city. this trvel is good for i have both ime being alone and with a friend. I went to met, see Europian paintings mainly. I really appreciate the fact that i had taken "introduction to art" so that i could recall my memory and enjoy the paintings really well. still, i haven't seen half of the 2nd floor, so i gonna came back there in a week. i tried RENT again, however i lost again. so i just spend evening chating with Heather, my roommate. we were talking about a lot of staff; musicals, politics and so on. this is what Domitory all about, isn"t it? communication with new people. i'm sorry that she gonna leave NY tommorrow. ... NY,NY4 - 2002年01月03日(木) I went to MET!!!HI-hooooo! well, the Egyptian stuff there was really great! I spent 4 hours there. and then i went to see Greek and Roman stuff, and im crazy taking picture. Because i found a lot of arts dealing with Dionysus, who was a theme of my past art paper. then i went to ReNT place to get 20 bucks ticket, however i lose a lottery, so I rush into tkts. I found that there is some left on FullMonty. However, the guys before me hasn't made their mind and starting arguing there! it made me really irritated and the people around me tried to get me first, but they were not listening. so we were making fun of them, that is all i can do... anyway, i got Full Monty, and went to see it. .... it was OK, but i d rather like Chicago. they were all naked at the end, but due to GYAKKOU, i could see nothing but their Figure. i suppose the movie is better, though i have not seen the movie. Still, thet was enjoyable..... that the word Broadway may mean. ... NY,NY3 - 2002年01月02日(水) went to breakfast with Asamis to the UNion Square. we got good Begles.... it was really good. then we go Macys since Akiko need some cort to go visit Canada. i got one outer, a dress, and a jeans.. actually jeans were really ceap. only 6 bucks! then i went tckts to get tickets for tonight's show. the line was really complicated and messed up, and we had trouble everywhere. i was involved. well, its okey caz i could got CHICAGO! after dinner w/ Akiko, i went to see Chicago. it was really enjoyable, though not the best. when i returned the hosrtel, i found that we( i and Heather) got a new comer, and she was kind a strange. She and Heather had problem dearing which bed to get, and actaually she was really nasty and llok like a bag lady. i wish whe will leave soon. ... NY,NY2 - 2002年01月01日(火) we went to the groud ZERO today. although im kinda anti-US person, seeing the place make me sad. we first went trinity church. there, we found the mean 3 japanese guy! they had no respect to the reliogious place, talking loudly and walking with the noise. I almost say "Shut the FXXk up!!!" i really hate those stupid guys.... anyway, then we went to the ground Zero. i did not go to the crowded place, i just see through the fence. nothing but clane. i have been the WTC's TOP OF tHE WORLD last summer, i cannot believe that is not here now. then we hung around Wall Street and go back to our hostel. this time we changed the room. NEW roommate is Heather. she is Greek Amercan, and from Virginia, studying dance. then we met Kohei, Asami, and two of Asami itwas really good and cheap. on the way back, i bouht 2cake. they are really delicious and cheap! less than 3 bucks altogether. after the dinner, we went to Le Miz. this time, we get the last raw in the mezzanine. for me, this time it was not so good... first, because i am too used to CD, and the difference b/w CD and the play make me feel strange. and second, for we have seen the play from far up, so that we cannot see the acters face and we can see the stage.... behing the stage. still i was moved when Gavrouch and Jan were died... ...
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