






私はMyasthenia Gravisという難病です。私がこの病気を宣告されたのは二十歳になって間もない真夏の事でした。「検査の結果、あなたは重症の難病だと判明しました。これから死ぬまで、この病気と向き合って闘っていく事を約束できますか?」と、主治医は私に問い掛けました。当時の私はかなり冷静でした。きっと手術をしてちゃんとお薬も飲んで治療もすればまた元通りに復活できると信じていたからです。









<English ver.>

  In a dream, I may often recollect the past pain and conflict in a struggle against my disease. Whenever I dream about it, the thought revives vividly at my heart as if it was yesterday's occurrence completely. My grandfather passed away in the spring of this year. It was the death of the relatives who I experienced for the first time. The first funeral became thoughtful for me. While lamenting my grandfather's death, my figure under past hospitalization came to mind.

  I have a serious disease called Myasthenia Gravis. That this illness was pronounced on me was the midsummer when I become 20 years old. My physician in charge asked me,“You proved as a result of test that your disease was incurable serious disease. Can you promise me to face and fight this disease until you will die?” I was quite calm in those days because I believed that I could surely get well if I perfectly had an operation and took medicine and got medical treatment.

  That year ended, but my hospitalization continued for a long time and I could not attend a coming-of-age ceremony. Since my resistance to germs had weakened, my life during hospitalization was restricted only to the narrow hospital room. The stray cats which have asked for food out of the window of the hospital room every day were my only friends. My physician in charge told me that I could leave the hospital if spring came, so I tried to prepare for the university from April and I was looking forward to the return to the university.

  However, my disease did not become better even if the hospitalization passed over half a year. My leaving the hospital by the new semester was hopeless and my physician in charge worried about my condition of disease every day. As my hospitalization was prolonged,my doctors and nurses avoided the talk about my disease,so I ceased to open my heart entirely to their unnatural consideration to be going to encourage me. My powerlessness because of disease was hateful to myself and my smile and words were lost, so it became impossible to find out happiness that I was alive.

  “I want to die. Kill me.” Such an impulse ran and the days which I entreated for my death started. My head was filled with how I could die. If I consider now,I think that it was a very foolish act. I did not want to be relieved to die but wanted to disappear because I was very ugly. I tried to do all the things that my physician in charge warned me of death. That I still did not die accelerated me too many. Although it was thought that it was going crazy,it was a desperate act for me in those days.

  My 21st birthday visited soon. I had not done even anticipation to the next birthday coming around in a hospital by no means. I think what this year was really and whether to be satisfactory if I fall to a bottom how far. The last means which I invented when I was not of a good appetite and tied to intravenous drip and lying on the bed was “desertion". I wanted to continue to walk with my plain body which had neither physical strength nor resistance until my power was exhausted. I determined desertion as how to fulfill the wish.

  When lights-out passed, I extracted intravenous drip and slipped out of the hospital innocently with the pajamas figure. I felt that the pace per step was very heavy. The outside of a hospital seemed to be another world completely. I did not have the purpose where I go and walked straight intently. The place where I arrived was the local station to which I got used to go. When I was thinking that I was going to take a train and go to the place where I did not know,the voice which called my name from behind carried out. When I turned round,my father was there.

  Why was my whereabouts found? I thought that it was fate.  I was then returned to the hospital forcibly by my father,and it was my parents' tear and the expression of anxiousness and relief by other patients and doctors and nurses who had searched for me that were waiting for me. In the tense mood which I was about to be reported to the police,I realized afresh the act which I committed. As expected, I was scolded by my physician in charge as if she was my parent. Finally she whispered a word to me,“I am happy to find you to be alive”. At last,I was able to understand how eager she and people who surrounded me had got in contact with me until now.

  It is worth to look my disease in the face and do my best so that it can get well--it seemed to be my answer which replaced with my death. It is easy to take a life,but overcoming the bondage and creeping up from the bottom needs strong unusual will and patience. I thought that true happiness was not refusing oneself but brought by loving oneself as one is and living together. I believe that adversity is just good opportunities to promote the growth of humans. I am still an immature person and I think that my true struggle against my disease will start from now on. Not discouraged by difficulties,I want to believe much hidden potential and do my best in my own way with smile without being overcome by my disease.

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