★ Wings
I remember my childhood days at south, far away from my birthplace. Only a small corner of the country was known by me. I had such a small world like a bird who knows her house alone.
That's why he was special to me. Not a kid like me and my friends, not an adult like my parents and teachers. tall but close to me, looked cool but foolish and kind sometimes. --I had always wished he were my brother.
He played guitar when we sung hymn, his face seemed serious but his fingers flew free. He told me many small tricks, such as how to let a flower open earlier. I laughed at him when he ran away from a cat that he hated so much.
--I had always wished he were my brother.
When I left south I got a cardboard, which was filled with the massages by my friends. I found a neat beautiful writing among kid's messy words, that saide,"Fly high to your dream" and it was by him. I thought that it was too dreamy and romantic, like somebody's line in the movie or story.
I lost the cardboard long times ago, but I never forget his massage, "Fly high to your dream" because his name meant "Wings" in Japanese. I too wish him to fly high to his dream with his wings instead of wishing him to be my brogher.
思い出す 私の過ごした子供時代 南の端 生まれ故郷を遠く離れて その国のほんの片隅だけしか 私は知らなくて なんて小さな世界だったんだろうね その巣しか知らない小鳥のように
だからあの人は特別だったんだね 私や友達みたいな子供なんかじゃなく 両親や先生みたいな大人でもなく 背が高くて、でも近くに感じた かっこいいくせに時々ばかみたいで優しくて ――ずっとずっと、お兄さんになって欲しかったんだよ
賛美歌を歌うときはギターを弾いてたくれたね 真剣な顔 でも指は自由に舞っていた つまらないこともいっぱい教えてくれた まだ蕾の花を開く方法とかね 猫が嫌いで 逃げ回るあの人が あたしはとってもおかしくて
そして私が南を去ってゆくとき 友達がメッセージ残してくれた色紙 ちらばる幼い文字たちの中 綺麗で丁寧な文章は "夢に向かって羽ばたいて" あの人からだった 夢みたくわざとらしいんだからと思った まるで映画とか物語のせりふみたいに
ずっと前に あの色紙は無くしてしまったけど ずっと私はあの言葉を忘れないから "夢に向かって羽ばたいて" だってあの人の名前は――英語で "Wings" 私も願うわ 夢に向かって羽ばたいて 私のお兄さんになってくれる代わりに――