French Wolf の日記
2000年09月11日(月) |
Aujourd'hui -- A la mode d'anglais |
Hi there.
Since some of the people, to whom I've introduced this secret site, are still skeptical about who's the real author of my quintessentially tasty diary, I made up my mind to exert my best possible and most ultimate effort that has never been conceivable in the history of the universe (as far as I'm concerned) with a view to let myself go public (hmmm, sounds very nice, just as though my existence were being traded on NASDAQ or JASDAQ or whatever -- just name one, if you insist).
First and foremost, my handle name (BTW, is this a proper English expression "handle name," my friend, S.N. (aka A. L.)? My pseudo-native-English intuition tells me that it's highly suspectable, though) "French Wolf" plays a very critical role here and there.
The "French" portion comes from the musical instrument that I've been playing for many years, yeah, literally, many, many years. Well, there's a high possibility that people who haven't kept in touch with me might think that I was born French, which is partially true in my case, right?
And now, the "wolf" still remains unsolved. If you're a member of the orchestra that I belong (or used to belong) to, then it might be apparent. For the orchestra will play "Peter and the Wolf" at the next concert, whose date of performance has not been finalized as of yet, though. Anyway, in the music, our French h_rn section as a whole plays a role as the wolf. (If interested, look for info about "Peter and the Wolf -- Symphonic Tale for Children" by Prokofieff)
いやぁ、やっぱり無理して書くと疲れるねぇ。今の段階で、 このサイトを教えたのは、10 人に満たない・・・。
それを毎日こまめにチェックしてくれる人なんて、まさか いないだろうなぁ。まぁ、いいや。どっちにしても、自己満足、 というか、自分の記録、歴史、コラム、エッセイ、とにかく なんでもありのウェブサイトをお手軽に作るっていうのが、 第一の趣旨だったからね。
それで、今日の日記なんだけど、今日は久しぶりに会社に 行ったよ。先週は、木曜日と金曜日お休みしていたから。
やっぱり休むと仕事はたまるね。それに、今日はお隣の翻訳担当 からお手伝いの依頼が飛び込んできたし。(ほんとは、嬉しかった んだけどね。だって、使えない奴だったら、俺に向かって SOS なんて出さないでしょ?)
今週は 4 日間だけ。残すは、後 3 日。なんとか、乗り切るぞ。