CORKSCREW Diaries(米国編)


2006年04月26日(水) Philippines Insident (presented)

I’d like to tell the experience I had in the Philippines.

In 1996, my friend and I went on a trip to the Philippines. At that time, I liked traveling around Southeast Asia.

The second day, we arrived and we met a Philippine couple. We talked to each other and ate dinner together. Then we made an appointment to meet the next day.

When we saw the Philippine couple again they were quite friendly. I should have noticed it was strange, but we were too young and stupid to understand. They took us swimming in the sea. At night we ate dinner together, and they put sleeping pills in the beer. In the morning, I got up to find all of our money and traveler’s checks gone. How stupid could we be? There are many articles about thieves in the Philippines. Fortunately, our passports and air tickets were safe.

Due to the effects of the sleeping pills, my body and brain didn't work well. But, I had to do my best to explain our situation to the policemen. I manage to explain my situation and asked them to contact the Japanese embassy. The Japanese embassy asked my family to send money to us.

I owe a great deal of gratitude to the chief of the police, as well as, my English skills, I survived this horrible experience I am thankful that.

I cannot believe how young and stupid. This experience has taught me more careful when I travel abroad.


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