by きゅっ。

■Beaver Creek: Super G postponed until Monday
Beaver Creek: Super G postponed until Monday
Saturday’s World Cup men’s super G at Beaver Creek has been postponed due to weather conditions and in the interest of competitor safety. The super G is now scheduled for 10 a.m. Monday. The giant slalom will be staged as scheduled on Sunday, with the first run set for 9:45 a.m. -


Super-G der Herren abgesagt und auf Montag verlegt
Der Super-G der M?nner im amerikanischen Beaver Creek ist wegen Schneefalls und dichtem Nebel abgesagt worden. Das Rennen soll nun am kommenden Montag (18.00 Uhr/MEZ) nachgeholt werden. -


Beaver Creek Super G postponed
The men's Super-G event from Beaver Creek, Colorado scheduled for Saturday is postponed until Monday due to weather conditions. -


Led Zeppelin
The Song Remains the Same
>>> - homepage


Russian polls open in key election test for Putin
Russians began voting Sunday in a parliamentary election set to hand President Vladimir Putin's party a huge majority and reinforce his campaign to retain authority after leaving the Kremlin. -


Sociologist: Most Russians Don't Know What Democracy Is
Why can there be virtually no surprises in the upcoming Russian elections? DW-WORLD.DE spoke to Russian sociologist Lev Gudkov about voters, their relationship to the state and their views of the political system. -


Russian govt. accused of culture control
Several prominent artists and writers in Russia are accusing their government of expanding its control in the realm of culture. -


Turkey attacks PKK rebels in northern Iraq: army
Turkey made good on its threat to strike Kurdish rebels in northern Iraq Saturday, saying it inflicted "heavy losses" on the armed separatist movement PKK with cross-border airstrikes and artillery. -


Clinton Seizes Opportunity After Crisis
The hostage crisis at Hillary Rodham Clinton"s campaign office was a potential tragedy. As soon as it ended, Clinton took full advantage of the opportunity she had unexpectedly been handed. -


Universe puts on a show this winter
For stargazers everywhere, this is the time to train your telescopes on Mars, Mercury and a great meteor shower. Of the dozen or so annual meteor showers, the Geminids is one of the most spectacular. It will take place in the wee hours of December 14. -


Pakistan's Sharif No Threat to the West


